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Simple API to drive leds exposed by linux `/sys/class/leds`.
Designed for use with [nerves](,
but works on any distribution of Linux that supports `/sys/class/leds`.

## Configuration

Use config.exs to create a friendly name that maps to an entry in
`/sys/class/leds` that make sense for your application.

An example configuration for the Alix 2D boards:

# in your app's config/config.exs:
config :nerves_leds, names: [
	power:     "alix:1",
	connected: "alix:2",
	alert:     "alix:3"
## Usage

It's customary to bring the Nerves.Leds module into scope as "Leds", as follows:
alias Nerves.Leds
Now, we can turn an LED on using the name we configured:
Leds.set power: true
Or make it blink slowly:
Leds.set power: :slowblink
We can even set multiple states for multiple LEDs at once:
Leds.set connected: false, alert: :fastblink
## Built-In LED States

In addition to `true` (on) and `false` (off) the following atoms provide predefined

- `:slowblink` - turns on and off slowly (about twice a second)
- `:fastblink` - turns on and off rapidly (about 7.5 times a second)
- `:slowwink` - mostly on, but "winks off" once every second or so
- `:hearbeat` - a heartbeat pattern

## Customizing states

The standard LED states are defined as `@predefined_states` near the top of
`lib/nerves_leds.ex`. You can change or add to them using config.exs as

config :nerves_leds, states: [
	fastblink: [ trigger: "timer", delay_off: 40, delay_on: 30 ],
	blip: [ trigger: "timer", delay_off: 1000, delay_on: 100 ]]

See the Linux documentation on `sys/class/leds` to understand the meaning of
trigger, delay, brightness, and other settings.

## Limitations, Areas for Improvement

- most but not all ``/sys/class/leds` features are currently implemented