# Nerves.Network
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Connect to wired and wireless networks on Nerves platforms.

# WiFi Networking

## Installation

You'll first need to set the regulatory domain in your `config.exs` to your ISO
3166-1 alpha-2 country code. In theory this is optional, but you'll get the
world regulatory domain ("00") which is the most restrictive. This may cause
troubles when you try to connect to an access point.

config :nerves_network,
  regulatory_domain: "US"

## Setup

If you are using `nerves_runtime` >= `0.3.0` the kernel module will be auto
loaded by default.

Before WiFi will work, you will need to load any modules for your device if they
aren't loaded already. Here's an example for Raspberry Pi 0 and Raspberry Pi 3

``` elixir
{_, 0} = System.cmd("modprobe", ["brcmfmac"])

## Scanning

You can scan by running:

iex> {:ok, _pid} = Nerves.Network.setup "wlan0"
iex> Nerves.Network.scan "wlan0"
[%{age: 42, beacon_int: 100, bssid: "00:1f:90:db:45:54", capabilities: 1073,
   flags: "[WEP][ESS]", freq: 2462, id: 8,
   ie: "00053153555434010882848b0c1296182403010b07",
   level: -83, noise: 0, qual: 0, ssid: "1SUT4", tsf: 580579066269},
 %{age: 109, beacon_int: 100, bssid: "00:18:39:7a:23:e8", capabilities: 1041,
   flags: "[WEP][ESS]", freq: 2412, id: 5,
   ie: "00076c696e6b737973010882848b962430486c0301",
   level: -86, noise: 0, qual: 0, ssid: "linksys", tsf: 464957892243},
 %{age: 42, beacon_int: 100, bssid: "1c:7e:e5:32:d1:f8", capabilities: 1041,
   flags: "[WPA2-PSK-CCMP][ESS]", freq: 2412, id: 0,
   ie: "000768756e6c657468010882848b960c1218240301",
   level: -43, noise: 0, qual: 0, ssid: "dlink", tsf: 580587711245}]

## Running

Setup your network connection by running:

Nerves.Network.setup "wlan0", ssid: "my_accesspoint_name", key_mgmt: :"WPA-PSK", psk: "secret"

If your WiFi network does not use a secret key, specify the `key_mgmt` to be
`:NONE`. Currently, wireless configuration passes almost unaltered to
[wpa_supplicant.ex](, so
see that project for more configuration options.

# Wired Networking

Wired networking setup varies in how IP addresses are expected to be assigned.
The following examples show some common setups:

# Configure a network that supplies IP addresses via DHCP
Nerves.Network.setup "eth0", ipv4_address_method: :dhcp

# Statically assign an address
Nerves.Network.setup "eth0", ipv4_address_method: :static,
    ipv4_address: "", ipv4_subnet_mask: "",
    domain: "", nameservers: ["", ""]

# Assign a link-local address
Nerves.Network.setup "usb0", ipv4_address_method: :linklocal

# Configuring Defaults

`nerves_network` allows default network interface settings to be set using
application configuration. This can be helpful when using `nerves_network` with

Configuring `bootloader` to start `nerves_network`:

config :bootloader,
  init: [:nerves_network],
  app: :your_app

The following example will pull WiFi network settings from the system
environment variables and configure the interface's IP address using DHCP:  

key_mgmt = System.get_env("NERVES_NETWORK_KEY_MGMT") || "WPA-PSK"

config :nerves_network, :default,
  wlan0: [
    ssid: System.get_env("NERVES_NETWORK_SSID"),
    psk: System.get_env("NERVES_NETWORK_PSK"),
    key_mgmt: String.to_atom(key_mgmt)
  eth0: [
    ipv4_address_method: :dhcp

## Limitations

Currently, only IPv4 is supported. The library is incredibly verbose in its
logging to help debug issues on new platforms in prep for a first release. This
will change. The library is mostly interim in its structure. Please consider
submitting PRs and helping make this work reliably across embedded devices.