# Nerves System for the SmartRent Hub (OSS)

This is the base Nerves System configuration for the [SmartRent
Hub]( used for public trainings and open source purposes.

![SmartRent Hub image](assets/images/smartrent-hub.jpg)

| Feature              | Description                        |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| CPU                  | 1 GHz ARM Cortex-A8                |
| Memory               | 512 MB DRAM                        |
| Storage              | MicroSD                            |
| Linux kernel         | 5.10 w/ BBB patches                |
| IEx terminal         | ttyS0 via the FTDI connector       |
| UART                 | LTE @ttyS1, Z-Wave @ttyS4          |
| USB                  | Two host interfaces - LTE and WiFi |
| I2C                  | i2c-1 to PMIC to ATECC608A         |
| Ethernet             | No                                 |
| LEDs                 | Red/green LEDs exposed via /sys/class/leds |

## Console access

The console is configured to output to `ttyS0`. This can be accessed by soldering
wires onto test points on the underside of the board.

TODO: show where

## Device tree overlays

This system does not enable or use device tree overlays. All device tree
configuration for the hub is in the main device tree file -

## WiFi