defmodule NervesUEvent do
@moduledoc """
NervesUEvent listens for events from the Linux kernel, automatically loads
device drivers, and forwards them to your Elixir programs.
NervesUEvent is a very simple version of the Linux `udevd`. Just like `udevd`
does for desktop Linux, NervesUEvent registers to receive UEvents from the Linux
kernel. Unlike `udevd`, NervesUEvent only runs `modprobe` when needed and keeps
track of what hardware is in the system. For most Nerves use cases, `udevd`
isn't needed.
@doc """
Get all reported UEvents
@spec get_all() :: [{, PropertyTable.value()}]
def get_all(), do: PropertyTable.get_all(NervesUEvent)
@doc """
Get the most recent value of UEvent report
For example,
> NervesUEvent.get(["devices", "platform", "leds", "leds", "red:indicator-1"])
"of_compatible_n" => "0",
"of_fullname" => "/leds/rgb1-blue",
"of_name" => "rgb1-blue",
"subsystem" => "leds"
@spec get(, PropertyTable.value()) :: PropertyTable.value()
def get(property, default \\ nil), do: PropertyTable.get(NervesUEvent, property, default)
@doc """
Run an arbitrary match against UEvents
Use `:_` in the path to accept any value in that position
Use `:"$"` at the end of the path to perform an exact match
@spec match(PropertyTable.pattern()) :: [{, PropertyTable.value()}]
def match(pattern), do: PropertyTable.match(NervesUEvent, pattern)
@doc """
Subscribe to uevent notifications
Pass a pattern like one you'd pass to `match/1`. Instead of getting a
response, you'll receive a message when a matching UEvent happens.
@spec subscribe(PropertyTable.pattern()) :: :ok
def subscribe(property), do: PropertyTable.subscribe(NervesUEvent, property)