# Nexmo Elixir Client Library

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This is a work in progress Elixir client library for Nexmo. Functionality will be added for each Nexmo API service. Currently, this library supports the Account, Applications, Number Insight and SMS Nexmo APIs.

* [Installation](#installation)
  * [Hex](#hex)
  * [Environment Variables](#environment-variables)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Testing](#testing)
* [License](#license)

## Installation

### Hex

The [Hex package]( can be installed by adding `nexmo` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:nexmo, "~> 0.4.0", hex: :nexmo_elixir}

### Environment Variables

The client library requires environment variables to be supplied in order to enable its functionality. You can find a [sample .env file](/.env.sample) in the root directory of the project. You need to supply your API credentials and the host names for the API endpoints in the `.env` file.

Your Nexmo API credentials:

API host names:

# Documentation

* Nexmo Elixir documentation: [](
* Nexmo API reference: [](

# Testing

The tests for Nexmo Elixir can be found in `/test/`. Each API service has its own testing suite and can be found in `/test/#{name_of_service}`, for example the SMS tests can be found in `/test/sms`. To run the testing suite execute `mix test` from the command line.

# Appreciation

This project is built utilizing the wisdom and experience of earlier Nexmo Elixir projects, including from [KindyNowApp](, [cbetta]( and [adamrobbie]( Thank you all for your examples of interacting with Nexmo using Elixir!

# License

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).