
A profanity filter and nickname generator. Meant to be relatively fast at runtime

How to use

Include the dependency in the mix.exs:

    defp deps do
        {:nice_nickname, "~> 0.1.0"}

Define your profanity dictionary

In your config specify your profanity dictionary json array

    config :nice_nickname, :bad_words,

You can borrow mine in the resources folder in the project ;)

Now you can check to see if you have bad words in your strings.
    iex(1)> ProfanityFilter.has_profanity?("I don't have any bad words")

    iex(2)> ProfanityFilter.has_profanity?("checkout my 2 girls 1 cup")

Define your nickname prefixes and suffixes

In your config specify your prefixes and suffixes json arry

    config :nice_nickname, :prefix,

    config :nice_nickname, :suffix,

Again, you can borrow mine. It's just a list of nouns and verbs.

Now you can generate crazy names:

    iex(4)> NicknameGenerator.generate_nickname  
    "Cestoid Unburnished"
    iex(5)> NicknameGenerator.generate_nickname
    "Loveable Extorsive"
    iex(6)> NicknameGenerator.generate_nickname
    "Oppressed Egal"

It's fun and don't forget to show your parents.