# nif_call


Call Erlang/Elixir functions from NIF.

## Usage

### 1. Add `nif_call` as a dependency

Add `nif_call` as a dependency in your `mix.exs` file.

defp deps do
    {:nif_call, "~> 0.1"}

### 2. Get the header file

It's recommended to use the `nif_call`'s mix task to get the bundled header file. Assuming you're currently in the root directory of your project, run the following command:

mix nif_call.put_header

By default, the header file will be put in the `c_src` directory.  It may look like this:

├── Makefile
├── c_src
│   ├── demo_nif.cpp
│   └── nif_call.h          <-- From this repository
├── lib
│   └── demo
│       ├── application.ex
│       └── demo.ex
├── mix.exs
└── mix.lock

You can also change the directory by passing the `--dir` option.

mix nif_call.put_header --dir lib/nif_call

If there's already a `nif_call.h` file in the target directory, you may want to overwrite it by passing the `--overwrite` option.

mix nif_call.put_header --overwrite

### 3. Add runner processes to your supervision tree

In applications that use `nif_call`, you need to add runner processes to the supervision tree. The runner processes are responsible for evaluating the Elixir functions called from NIF. In this demo project, we will add a runner process named `Demo.Runner` by adding the following code to the `lib/demo/application.ex` file.

{NifCall.Runner, runner_opts: [nif_module: Demo.NIF, on_evaluated: :nif_call_evaluated], name: Demo.Runner}

The `application.ex` file should look like this:

defmodule Demo.Application do
  @moduledoc false

  use Application

  @impl true
  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
       runner_opts: [nif_module: Demo.NIF, on_evaluated: :nif_call_evaluated], name: Demo.Runner}

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Demo.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

`Demo.NIF` is the module that contains your NIF functions. The `on_evaluated` option is the name of the callback function that will be called by `nif_call` to send the evaluated result back to the caller. The default name is `nif_call_evaluated`.

To send the evaluated result back to the caller, `nif_call` needs to inject one NIF function to do that.

# lib/demo/nif.ex
defmodule Demo.NIF do
  use NifCall.NIF

If you have changed the name of the callback function for the runner process, you need to specify it in the `on_evaluated` option.

# lib/demo/nif.ex
defmodule Demo.NIF do
  use NifCall.NIF, on_evaluated: :my_evaluated

### 4. Prepare C code

In your NIF code, include `nif_call.h` and define the `NIF_CALL_IMPLEMENTATION` macro before including it.

// c_src/demo_nif.cpp
#include "nif_call.h"

And remember to initialize nif_call in the `onload` function.

// c_src/demo_nif.cpp
static int on_load(ErlNifEnv *env, void **, ERL_NIF_TERM) {
  // initialize nif_call
  return nif_call_onload(env);

Lastly, inject the NIF function:

// c_src/demo_nif.cpp
static ErlNifFunc nif_functions[] = {
  // ... your other NIF functions

  // inject nif_call functions
  // `nif_call_evaluated` is the name of the callback function that will be called by nif_call

  // of course, you can change the name of the callback function
  // but remember to change it in the Elixir code as well
  // NIF_CALL_NIF_FUNC(my_evaluated),

### 5. Call Erlang/Elixir functions from NIF

Let's try to implement a simple function that adds 1 to the given value and sends the intermediate result to Elixir for further processing. The result of the Elixir callback function is returned as the final result.

Firstly, implement the `add_one` function in the Elixir code.

# lib/demo/demo.ex
defmodule Demo do
  @doc """
  Add 1 to the `value` in NIF and send the intermediate result to
  Elixir for further processing using the `callback` function.

  The result of the `callback` function is returned as the final result.

  ## Examples

      iex> Demo.add_one(1, fn result -> result * 2 end)

  def add_one(value, callback) do
    # remember to change the name of the Evaluator module if you have changed it
    # and pass both the evaluator and the callback function to the NIF
    evaluator = Process.whereis(Demo.Evaluator)
    Demo.NIF.add_one(value, evaluator, callback)
  def add_one(value, callback) do
    # Use `` to call the NIF function
    # - The second argument is the callback function that will be called from the NIF
    # - The third argument is the function that can invoke somes NIF functions,
    #   this is where you normally call the NIF function
    #   notice that the third argument is a function that takes a `tag` as an argument
    #   the `tag` is used as a reference to the callback function in your `Demo.Runner` process, callback, fn tag ->
      Demo.NIF.add_one(value, tag)

After that, implement the `add_one` function in the NIF C code.

// c_src/demo_nif.cpp
static ERL_NIF_TERM add_one(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) {
  ErlNifSInt64 a;
  ERL_NIF_TERM tag = argv[1];

  if (!enif_get_int64(env, argv[0], &a)) return enif_make_badarg(env);
  ERL_NIF_TERM result_term = enif_make_int64(env, a + 1);

  // send the intermediate result to Elixir for further processing
  // `make_nif_call` will return the result of the callback function
  // which is the final result in this case
  NifCallResult result = make_nif_call(env, tag, result_term);
  return result.is_ok() ? result.get_value() : enif_make_tuple2(env, enif_make_atom(env, "error"), result.get_err());

Most importantly, don't forget to add the NIF function to the `nif_functions` array, and **they have to be marked as dirty NIF functions**.

// c_src/demo_nif.cpp
static ErlNifFunc nif_functions[] = {
  // ... your other NIF functions

  // inject nif_call functions

  // add the NIF function
  // NIF functions that calls Elixir functions have to be marked as dirty
  {"add_one", 3, add_one, ERL_NIF_DIRTY_JOB_CPU_BOUND},

Now, you can call the `add_one` function from Elixir.

iex> Demo.add_one(1, fn result -> result * 2 end)

Congratulations! You have successfully called an Elixir function from NIF.

There's a slightly more complex example in the `example` directory, which shows that you can make multiple calls to Elixir functions from NIF and 
use the intermediate results in the next call.