
defmodule NimbleOptions.ValidationError do
  @moduledoc """
  An error that is returned (or raised) when options are invalid.

  Since this is an exception, you can either raise it directly with `raise/1`
  or turn it into a message string with `Exception.message/1`.

  See [`%NimbleOptions.ValidationError{}`](`__struct__/0`) for documentation on the fields.

  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
          key: atom(),
          keys_path: [atom()],
          value: term()

  @doc """
  The error struct.

  Only the following documented fields are considered public. All other fields are
  considered private and should not be referenced:

    * `:key` (`t:atom/0`) - The key that did not successfully validate.

    * `:keys_path` (list of `t:atom/0`) - If the key is nested, this is the path to the key.

    * `:value` (`t:term/0`) - The value that failed to validate. This field is `nil` if there
      was no value provided.

  defexception [:message, :key, :value, keys_path: []]

  @impl true
  def message(%__MODULE__{message: message, keys_path: keys_path}) do
    suffix =
      case keys_path do
        [] -> ""
        keys -> " (in options #{inspect(keys)})"

    message <> suffix