# NimlerHex

Nimler helpers for Elixir

## Installation

1. Install nim
2. Install nimler using nimble. `nimble install nimler`
3. Add `nimler` to mix.exs and run `mix deps.get`
4. `mix` to generate scaffold NIF project
5. `mix compile.nimler` to compile NIF with nimler

### mix

Generate basic nimler NIF


`lib/native` is default NIF root

`lib/native/nif.nim` is default NIF file

`lib/native/nim.cfg` is default NIF nim configuration. This will be used during compilation

### mix compile.nimler

Compile NIFs in `lib/native` using [nimler](

Nimler generates `lib/native/nif_wrapper` by default

**Configuration sample**

  def project do
      app: :myproject,
      version: "0.1.0",
      elixir: "~> 1.10",
      start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
      deps: deps(),
      compilers: Mix.compilers ++ [:nimler],
      nimler_config: nimler_config()

  def nimler_config() do
      compile_mode: :debug,
      compile_flags: [ # passed directly to nim compile
