# NioGoogleAuthenticator
NioGoogleAuthenticator is a collection of Elixir convenience functions to generate secrets and validate tokens used in conjunction with Google Authenticator. It also includes functions that automatically add a secret to an `Ecto.Changeset`.
## Installation
Add `nio_google_authenticator` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:nio_google_authenticator, "~> 1.0.1"}]
## Usage
##### Creating a secret:
##### Creating a token:
This method is best used for automatic testing.
##### Creating the URL that yields a scannable QR code for a Google Authenticator mobile app:
`.generate_url(secret, label, issuer \\ @issuer)`
where issuer can be configured universally using:
`config :nio_google_authenticator, issuer: "Neuvians"`
This will yield a URL in the following format:
##### Validating a token
`.validate_token(secret, token)`
this will either return `{:ok, :pass}` or `{:error, :invalid_token}`
## Ecto.Changeset usage
There are two additional functions which you can pass an `Ecto.Changeset` which will automatically add a secret to the changeset. For both function you can specify the attribute to change (ex. `.add_secret_to_changeset(changeset, :my_secret_field)`) but if none is specified `:ga_secret` is used.
##### Adding a secret to a changeset
To add a secret inside a changeset pipe you can call `add_secret_to_changeset(changeset)`. This will only add the secret if the passed attribute or `:ga_secret` is `nil`. Otherwise it is ignored.
##### Regenerating a secret in a changeset
If you would like to renegerate a secret you can use `.regenerate_secret_in_changeset(changeset)` which will always replace an existing value.
##### Example in Ecto.Model
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
schema "users" do
field :name, :string
field :ga_secret, :string
def changeset(user, params \\ :empty) do
|> cast(params, ~w(name), ~w(ga_secret))
|> NioGoogleAuthenticator.Changeset.add_secret_to_changeset
### Version