# NoWayJose

> Rust NIF for JWT signing


## Features

In its current state, this library only supports signing JWTs using the `RS512`
algo with a DER or PEM encoded RSA private key.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:no_way_jose, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Generating a key

In order to sign a JWT an RSA private key must be provided.

### In code

NoWayJose allows generating an RSA private key directly in code by specifying
the number of bits and an encoding format (PEM or DER):

# PEM encoded RSA private key
NoWayJose.generate_rsa(4096, :pem)

# DER encoded RSA private key
NoWayJose.generate_rsa(4096, :der)

## Basic usage

# Read a private signing key from a file
{:ok, key} ="private.der")

# Or generate a new one in code
key = NoWayJose.generate_rsa(4096, :der)

# Build your claims
claims = %{
  "exp" => 1571065163,
  "iat" => 1571061563,
  "iss" => "",
  "jti" => "a3a31258-2450-490b-86ed-2b8e67f91e20",
  "nbf" => 1571061563,
  "scopes" => [
  "sub" => "4d3796ca-19e0-40e6-97fe-060c0b7e3ce3"

# Sign the claims into a JWT
{:ok, token} = NoWayJose.sign(claims, alg: :rs512, format: :der, key: key)

## Documentation

Documentation can be be found at [](

## Roadmap

Please check the [Roadmap](
if you're curious about the future of this project.

## Etymology

A rhyming play on words to indicate that this library does not depend on [JOSE](

## License

Apache 2.0