# NodeJS
Provides an Elixir API for calling Node.js functions.
## Documentation
The docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/nodejs](https://hexdocs.pm/nodejs).
## Prerequisites
- Elixir >= 1.7
- NodeJS >= 10
## Installation
def deps do
{:nodejs, "~> 2.0"}
## Starting the service
Add `NodeJS` to your Supervisor as a child, pointing the required `path` option at the
directory containing your JavaScript modules.
supervisor(NodeJS, [[path: "/node_app_root", pool_size: 4]])
### Calling JavaScript module functions with `NodeJS.call(module, args \\ [])`.
If the module exports a function directly, like this:
module.exports = (x) => x
You can call it like this:
NodeJS.call("echo", ["hello"]) #=> {:ok, "hello"}
There is also a `call!` form that throws on error instead of returning a tuple:
NodeJS.call!("echo", ["hello"]) #=> "hello"
If the module exports an object with named functions like:
exports.add = (a, b) => a + b
exports.sub = (a, b) => a - b
You can call them like this:
NodeJS.call({"math", :add}, [1, 2]) # => {:ok, 3}
NodeJS.call({"math", :sub}, [1, 2]) # => {:ok, -1}
In order to cope with Unicode character it is necessary to specify the `binary` option:
NodeJS.call("echo", ["’"], binary: true) # => {:ok, "’"}
### There Are Rules & Limitations (Unfortunately)
- Function arguments must be serializable to JSON.
- Return values must be serializable to JSON. (Objects with circular references will definitely fail.)
- Modules must be requested relative to the `path` that was given to the `Supervisor`.
E.g., for a `path` of `/node_app_root` and a file `/node_app_root/foo/index.js` your module request should be for `"foo/index.js"` or `"foo/index"` or `"foo"`.
### Running the tests
Since the test suite requires npm dependencies before you can run the tests you will first need to run
cd test/js && npm install && cd ../..
After that you should be able to run
mix test
### Handling Callbacks and Promises
You can see examples of using promises in the tests here:
and from the JavaScript code here:
module.exports = async function echo(x, delay = 1000) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(x), delay))