# Nodelix
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Seamless Node.js in Elixir.
> **⚠️ WARNING**
> This is a pre-release version. As such, anything _may_ change
> at any time, the public API _should not_ be considered stable,
> and using a pinned version is _recommended_.
Provides Mix tasks for the installation and execution of Node.js.
This project is currently not recommended for production Elixir use.
Its main purpose is to offer a straightforward interface for utilizing Node.js and npm libraries within Mix tasks.
## Installation
`gpg` must be available in your PATH to verify the signature of Node.js releases.
The package can be installed by adding `nodelix` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:nodelix, "1.0.0-alpha.15", only: :dev, runtime: false}
Now you can install Node.js by running:
$ mix nodelix.install --version 18.18.2
And invoke Node.js with:
$ mix nodelix --version 18.18.2 some-script.js --some-option
If you omit the `--version` flag, the latest known
[LTS version](https://nodejs.org/en/about/previous-releases) at the
time of publishing will used.
The Node.js installation is located at `_build/dev/nodejs/versions/$VERSION`.
## Nodelix configuration
There is one global configuration for the nodelix application:
- `:cacerts_path` - the directory to find certificates for
https connections
## Profiles
You can define multiple nodelix profiles. There is a default empty profile
which you can configure its args, current directory and environment:
config :nodelix,
default: [
args: ~w(
cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__),
custom: [
args: ~w(
cd: Path.expand("../assets/scripts", __DIR__),
env: [
The default current directory is your project's root.
To use a profile other than `default`, you can use the `--profile` option:
mix nodelix --profile custom
When `mix nodelix` is invoked, the task arguments will
be appended to the ones configured in the profile.
## Versioning
This project follows the principles of [Semantic Versioning (SemVer)](https://semver.org/).
## Credits
Based on the code from [`tailwind`](https://github.com/phoenixframework/tailwind) (v0.2.2).
For licensing and copyright details, refer to the [`LICENSE` file](./LICENSE.md).