
defmodule Noether.Either do
  @moduledoc """
  This module hosts several utility functions to work with `{:ok, _} | {:error, _}` values.
  These type of values will be then called `Either`.
  @type either :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}
  @type fun0 :: (-> any())
  @type fun1 :: (any() -> any())

  @doc """
  Given an `{:ok, value}` and a function, it applies the function on the `value` returning `{:ok, f.(value)}`.
  If an `{:error, _}` is given, it is returned as-is.

  ## Examples

      iex> map({:ok, -1}, &Kernel.abs/1)
      {:ok, 1}

      iex> map({:error, "Value not found"}, &Kernel.abs/1)
      {:error, "Value not found"}
  @spec map(either(), fun1()) :: either()
  def map({:ok, a}, f) when is_function(f, 1), do: {:ok, f.(a)}
  def map(a = {:error, _}, _), do: a

  @doc """
  Given a `value` and a function, it applies the function on the `value` returning `{:ok, f.(value)}`.
  If the function throws an exception `e` then it is wrapped into an `{:error, e}`.

  ## Examples

      iex> try("42", &String.to_integer/1)
      {:ok, 42}

      iex> try("nan", &String.to_integer/1)
      {:error, %ArgumentError{message: "errors were found at the given arguments:\\n\\n  * 1st argument: not a textual representation of an integer\\n"}}
  @spec try(any(), fun1()) :: either()
  def try(value, f) when is_function(f, 1) do
    try do
      {:ok, f.(value)}
      e -> {:error, e}

  @doc """
  Given an `{:ok, {:ok, value}}` it flattens the ok unwrapping the `value` and returning `{:ok, value}`.
  If an `{:error, _}` is given, it is returned as-is.

  ## Examples

      iex> join({:ok, {:ok, 1}})
      {:ok, 1}

      iex> join({:ok, 1})
      ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Noether.Either.join/1

      iex> join({:error, "Value not found"})
      {:error, "Value not found"}
  @spec join(either()) :: either()
  def join(a = {_, {_, _}}), do: bind(a, & &1)
  def join(a = {:error, _}), do: a

  @doc """
  Alias for `join/1`.

  ## Examples

      iex> flatten({:ok, {:ok, 1}})
      {:ok, 1}

      iex> flatten({:ok, 1})
      ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Noether.Either.join/1

      iex> flatten({:error, "Value not found"})
      {:error, "Value not found"}
  @spec flatten(either()) :: either()
  defdelegate flatten(either), to: __MODULE__, as: :join

  @doc """
  Given an `{:ok, value}` and a function that returns an Either value, it applies the function on the `value`. It effectively "squashes" an `{:ok, {:ok, v}}` or `{:ok, {:error, _}}` to its most appropriate representation.
  If an `{:error, _}` is given, it is returned as-is.
  Please be careful and only use bind with functions that return either {:ok, _} or {:error, _}, otherwise you will break the Associativity law.

  ## Examples

      iex> bind({:ok, 1}, fn a -> {:ok, a + 1} end)
      {:ok, 2}

      iex> bind({:ok, 1}, fn _ -> {:error, 5} end)
      {:error, 5}

      iex> bind({:error, 1}, fn _ -> {:ok, 45} end)
      {:error, 1}
  @spec bind(either(), fun1()) :: either()
  def bind({:ok, a}, f) when is_function(f, 1), do: f.(a)
  def bind(a = {:error, _}, _), do: a

  @doc """
  Alias for `bind/2`

  ## Examples

      iex> flat_map({:ok, 1}, fn a -> {:ok, a + 1} end)
      {:ok, 2}

      iex> flat_map({:ok, 1}, fn _ -> {:error, 5} end)
      {:error, 5}

      iex> flat_map({:error, 1}, fn _ -> {:ok, 45} end)
      {:error, 1}
  @spec flat_map(either(), fun1()) :: either()
  defdelegate flat_map(either, f), to: __MODULE__, as: :bind

  @doc """
  Given any value, it makes sure the result is an Either type.

  ## Examples

      iex> wrap({:ok, 1})
      {:ok, 1}

      iex> wrap({:error, 2})
      {:error, 2}

      iex> wrap(3)
      {:ok, 3}
  @spec wrap(any()) :: either()
  def wrap(a = {:ok, _}), do: a
  def wrap(a = {:error, _}), do: a
  def wrap(a), do: {:ok, a}

  @doc """
  Given any value, it makes sure the result is an Either type.

  ## Examples

      iex> wrap_err({:ok, 1})
      {:ok, 1}

      iex> wrap_err({:error, 2})
      {:error, 2}

      iex> wrap_err(3)
      {:error, 3}
  @spec wrap_err(any()) :: either()
  def wrap_err(a = {:ok, _}), do: a
  def wrap_err(a = {:error, _}), do: a
  def wrap_err(a), do: {:error, a}

  @doc """
  It returns the value of an `{:ok, value}` only if such a tuple is given. If not, the default value (`nil` if not provided) is returned.

  ## Examples

      iex> unwrap({:ok, 1})

      iex> unwrap(2)

      iex> unwrap({:ok, 1}, :default_value)

      iex> unwrap(2, :default_value)
  @spec unwrap(any()) :: any()
  def unwrap(a, b \\ nil)
  def unwrap({:ok, a}, _), do: a
  def unwrap(_, default), do: default

  @doc """
  It returns `true` only if the value given matches a `{:ok, value}` type.

  ## Examples

      iex> ok?({:ok, 1})

      iex> ok?({:error, 2})

      iex> ok?(3)
  @spec ok?(any()) :: boolean()
  def ok?(a), do: match?({:ok, _}, a)

  @doc """
  It returns `true` only if the value given matches a `{:error, value}` type.

  ## Examples

      iex> error?({:ok, 1})

      iex> error?({:error, 2})

      iex> error?(3)
  @spec error?(any()) :: boolean()
  def error?(a), do: match?({:error, _}, a)

  @doc """
  Given an Either and one function, it applies the function to the `{:error, _}` tuple.

  ## Examples

      iex> map_error({:ok, 1}, &(&1 + 1))
      {:ok, 1}

      iex> map_error({:error, 1}, &(&1 + 1))
      {:error, 2}
  @spec map_error(either(), fun1()) :: either()
  def map_error(a = {:ok, _}, _), do: a
  def map_error({:error, a}, f) when is_function(f, 1), do: {:error, f.(a)}

  @doc """
  Given a list of values and a function returning `{:ok, any}` or `{:error, any}`, it applies the function on every
  `value` returning `{:ok, values}` if every `f.(v)` results in `{:ok, v}`; returning `{:error, _}` if `f.(v) results in
  an `{:error, any}.

  ## Examples

      iex> map_all(["23:50:07.0123456", "23:50:07.123Z"], &Time.from_iso8601/1)
      {:ok, [~T[23:50:07.012345], ~T[23:50:07.123]]}

      iex> map_all(["23:50:61", "23:50:07.123Z"], &Time.from_iso8601/1)
      {:error, :invalid_time}
  @spec map_all([any()], (any() -> either())) :: {:ok, [any()]} | {:error, any()}
  def map_all(values, f) when is_function(f, 1) do
    |> Enum.reduce_while(
      {:ok, []},
      fn value, {:ok, acc} ->
        case f.(value) do
          {:ok, value} -> {:cont, {:ok, [value | acc]}}
          {:error, _} = error -> {:halt, error}
    |> map(&Enum.reverse/1)

  @doc """
  Given an Either and two functions, it applies the first or second one on the second value of the tuple, depending if the value is `{:ok, _}` or `{:error, _}` respectively.

  ## Examples

      iex> either({:ok, 1}, &(&1 + 1), &(&1 + 2))
      {:ok, 2}

      iex> either({:error, 1}, &(&1 + 1), &(&1 + 2))
      {:error, 3}
  @spec either(either(), fun1(), fun1()) :: either()
  def either(a = {:ok, _}, f, _) when is_function(f, 1), do: map(a, f)
  def either({:error, a}, _, g) when is_function(g, 1), do: {:error, g.(a)}

  @doc """
  Given an Either and a function, it returns the value as-is when it's ok, or executes the function and returns its result.

  ## Examples

      iex> or_else({:ok, 1}, fn _ -> {:ok, 2} end)
      {:ok, 1}

      iex> or_else({:error, 1}, fn _ -> {:ok, 2} end)
      {:ok, 2}

      iex> or_else({:error, 1}, fn x -> {:ok, x + 2} end)
      {:ok, 3}
  @spec or_else(either(), fun1()) :: either()
  def or_else(a, f), do: choose(a, & &1, fn {_, e} -> f.(e) end)

  @doc """
  Given a list of Either, the function is mapped only on the elements of type `{:ok, _}`. Other values will be discarded. A list of the results is returned outside of the tuple.

  ## Examples

      iex> cat_either([{:ok, 1}], &(&1 + 1))

      iex> cat_either([{:ok, 1}, {:error, 2}, {:ok, 3}], &(&1 + 1))
      [2, 4]
  @spec cat_either([either()], fun1()) :: [any()]
  def cat_either(a, f) when is_function(f, 1) do
    |> Enum.reduce(
        {:error, _}, acc -> acc
        {:ok, b}, acc -> [f.(b) | acc]
    |> Enum.reverse()

  @doc """
  Given a value and two functions that return an Either, it applies the first one and returns the result if it matches `{:ok, _}`. Otherwise the second function is applied.

  ## Examples

      iex> choose(0, fn a -> {:ok, a + 1} end, fn b -> {:ok, b + 2} end)
      {:ok, 1}

      iex> choose(0, fn _ -> {:error, 1} end, fn b -> {:ok, b + 2} end)
      {:ok, 2}

      iex> choose(0, fn _ -> {:error, 1} end, fn _ -> {:error, 2} end)
      {:error, 2}
  @spec choose(any(), fun1(), fun1()) :: either()
  def choose(a, f, g) when is_function(f, 1) and is_function(g, 1) do
    b = f.(a)

    if match?({:ok, _}, b) do