defmodule Noizu.OpenAI.Api.Edit do
@moduledoc """
Noizu.OpenAI.Api.Edit is a module that provides functionality for editing text using OpenAI's API.
This module offers one main function:
1. `edit/3` - Edits the given input text based on the specified instruction and options.
## Usage
{:ok, edit_response} = Noizu.OpenAI.Api.Edit.edit(input, instruction, options)
require Noizu.OpenAI
import Noizu.OpenAI
@doc """
Generates an edit-based completion using the OpenAI API.
## Parameters
- input: A string containing the input text
- instruction: A string containing the editing instruction
- options: An optional map or keyword list containing API options
## Returns
Returns a tuple {:ok, response} on successful API call, where response is a map containing the edited text.
Returns {:error, term} on failure, where term contains error details.
## Example
input = "The sun rises in the est."
instruction = "Fix the typo in this sentence."
{:ok, response} = Noizu.OpenAI.Api.Edit.edit(input, instruction)
@type edit_response() :: map()
@type edit_supported_models() :: :"code-davinci-edit-001" | atom
@type edit_options() :: %{
optional(:model) => Noizu.OpenAI.model_option(edit_supported_models()),
optional(:completions | :n) => Noizu.OpenAI.completions_option(),
optional(:temperature) => Noizu.OpenAI.temperature_option(),
optional(:top_p) => Noizu.OpenAI.top_p_option(),
optional(:stream) => Noizu.OpenAI.stream_option(),
} | Keyword.t()
@spec edit(input :: String.t(), instruction :: String.t(), options :: edit_options()) :: {:ok, edit_response()} | {:error, term}
def edit(input, instruction, options \\ nil) do
url = openai_base() <> "edits"
body = %{input: input, instruction: instruction}
|> put_field(:model, options, Application.get_env(:noizu_openai, :default_edit_model, "code-davinci-edit-001"))
|> put_field({:completions, :n}, options)
|> put_field(:temperature, options)
|> put_field(:top_p, options)
api_call(:post, url, body, Noizu.OpenAI.Edit, options)