
# NOTE: This file is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator 6.2.0 (
# Do not edit this file manually.

defmodule NomadClient.Api.Status do
  @moduledoc """
  API calls for all endpoints tagged `Status`.

  alias NomadClient.Connection
  import NomadClient.RequestBuilder

  @doc """

  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (NomadClient.Connection): Connection to server
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:region` (String.t): Filters results based on the specified region.
    - `:namespace` (String.t): Filters results based on the specified namespace.
    - `:index` (integer()): If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam.
    - `:wait` (String.t): Provided with IndexParam to wait for change.
    - `:stale` (String.t): If present, results will include stale reads.
    - `:prefix` (String.t): Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix
    - `:x_nomad_token` (String.t): A Nomad ACL token.
    - `:per_page` (integer()): Maximum number of results to return.
    - `:next_token` (String.t): Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination.

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, String.t}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec get_status_leader(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, nil} | {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def get_status_leader(connection, opts \\ []) do
    optional_params = %{
      :region => :query,
      :namespace => :query,
      :index => :headers,
      :wait => :query,
      :stale => :query,
      :prefix => :query,
      :"X-Nomad-Token" => :headers,
      :per_page => :query,
      :next_token => :query

    request =
      |> method(:get)
      |> url("/status/leader")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, false},
      {400, false},
      {403, false},
      {405, false},
      {500, false}

  @doc """

  ### Parameters

  - `connection` (NomadClient.Connection): Connection to server
  - `opts` (keyword): Optional parameters
    - `:region` (String.t): Filters results based on the specified region.
    - `:namespace` (String.t): Filters results based on the specified namespace.
    - `:index` (integer()): If set, wait until query exceeds given index. Must be provided with WaitParam.
    - `:wait` (String.t): Provided with IndexParam to wait for change.
    - `:stale` (String.t): If present, results will include stale reads.
    - `:prefix` (String.t): Constrains results to jobs that start with the defined prefix
    - `:x_nomad_token` (String.t): A Nomad ACL token.
    - `:per_page` (integer()): Maximum number of results to return.
    - `:next_token` (String.t): Indicates where to start paging for queries that support pagination.

  ### Returns

  - `{:ok, [%String{}, ...]}` on success
  - `{:error, Tesla.Env.t}` on failure
  @spec get_status_peers(Tesla.Env.client(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, nil} | {:ok, list(String.t())} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()}
  def get_status_peers(connection, opts \\ []) do
    optional_params = %{
      :region => :query,
      :namespace => :query,
      :index => :headers,
      :wait => :query,
      :stale => :query,
      :prefix => :query,
      :"X-Nomad-Token" => :headers,
      :per_page => :query,
      :next_token => :query

    request =
      |> method(:get)
      |> url("/status/peers")
      |> add_optional_params(optional_params, opts)
      |> Enum.into([])

    |> Connection.request(request)
    |> evaluate_response([
      {200, []},
      {400, false},
      {403, false},
      {405, false},
      {500, false}