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# Nomex

Unofficial HashiCorp Nomad Client for Elixir

This is an Elixir client for Nomad's web API found here: [](

## Before You Proceed

It should be noted that this library is a simple, thin wrapper around HTTPoison (for making requests)
and Poison (for encoding/decoding JSON). I made this purely for convenience. If you need to interact
with only a small subset of Nomad's API, I would consider rolling your own functions.

## What Works?

As of now, all GET based JSON requests to Nomad should be working.

## What Needs to be Implemented?

1. non-GET based requests
2. non-JSON GET requests (text/plain, streaming)
3. Documentation
4. Tests

## Installation

def deps do
  [{:nomex, "~> 0.0.3"}]

## Configuration

Currently there are two config variables. You should only need to change the nomad host:

In `config/config.exs`:

config :nomex, nomad_host: System.get_env("NOMAD_HOST") || ""
config :nomex, nomad_version: "v1"

## Documentation
