# Noora

**Noora** is the design system that powers Glossia. It's designed for [Phoenix]( and inspired by Radix UI and [shadcn/ui](

### Why

In addition to the fundamental principle of achieving cohesiveness across visual interfaces — a cornerstone of any design system — we believe the Elixir and Phoenix community deserves design systems that rival the quality of those found in the JavaScript ecosystem. Many projects gravitate towards JavaScript-based UI-rendering solutions, such as React, to tap into a vast array of UI components and tools. However, this preference has largely been shaped by the substantial investments made by that community in reusable components and abstractions. With Noora, we're setting out to shift this narrative.

### Name

The name is derived from ["Noor,"]( an Arabic term signifying light. We christened the design system with this name to embody its illuminating spirit from the outset.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `noora` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:noora, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.