# Norma

Normalize URLs to the format you need.

## Installation

Add `Norma` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    # get always the latest ñ___ñ
    {:norma, ">= 0.0.0"}

### Note on compatibility

Norma depends heavily on the implementation of the `URI` module (part of the standard library), which was recently changed when adding [support for Erlang 20]( Use [the module history]( as a guide if you encounter any weird error (specially if you suspect it's related to a regex).

## Usage

iex> Norma.normalize("")
> ""

iex> options = %{remove_fragment: true, force_root_path: true, remove_www: true}
iex> Norma.normalize("//", options)
> ""

### Options

- Remove fragment:
  iex> Norma.normalize("", %{remove_fragment: true})
  > ""

- Force root path:
  iex> Norma.normalize("", %{force_root_path: true})
  > ""

- Remove `www`:
  iex> Norma.normalize("", %{remove_www: true})
  > ""

### With Ecto

def creation_changeset(params) do
  norma_options = %{
    remove_www: true,
    force_root_path: true,
    remove_fragment: true
  |> cast(params, @fields)
  |> put_change(:url, Norma.normalize(params.url, norma_options))

## Contributing

### TO-DO
- Rewrite scheme inference from port
- Maybe change options interface
- Deactivate defaulting to `http` with an option

### Adding options

1. Add support for the option in `/lib/norma/normalizer.ex`. Prefer pattern matching and guards over `if`s and `case`s.
2. Add a test in `/test/norma_test.exs`.
2. Add documentation to the `README`.
3. Send a PR 🎉


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