# nostr


Communicate with any participant, be it relays or clients, with elixir 

## Installation

As of now, this project needs [rust]( to compile. We're in the process of getting 
rid of that dependency despite rust still being used under the covers, thanks to 

def deps do
    {:nostr,  git: ""}

## Create a private key

iex -S mix


## Use the example app

In the lib/examples, there is a NostrApp ready to be used. It connects to a relay and
retrieves your own notes and stuff. The easiest way to use it is to create a `.iex.local.exs`
file and paste that in

relay = "wss://" ## here's a list of relays:
private_key = <<>> ### here goes your private key

NostrApp.start_link(relay, private_key)

and start iex

iex -S mix

## Now what?

You'll receive past and live events into the console, and are now able to send messages with
that identity.

NostrApp.send("aren't you entertained?")