# nostr

Communicate with any participant, be it relays or clients, with elixir
This library is in the process of being built in the wild. It should at the moment be considered
alpha quality. Function names and what they return will most probably be improved in the near future, so
don't expect to write production code on top of it just yet. This is for education purposes only.
The current goal is to get feature complete with the most common NIPs, and will then be refined so it's
as easy to use as can be.
## Installation
def deps do
{:nostr, "~> 0.1.3"}
## Create a private key
iex -S mix
## Use the example app
In the lib/examples, there is a NostrApp ready to be used. It connects to a relay and
retrieves your own notes and stuff. The easiest way to use it is to create a `.iex.local.exs`
file and paste that in
relays = [
private_key = Nostr.Keys.PrivateKey.create
NostrApp.start_link(relays, private_key)
and start iex
iex -S mix
## Now what?
### Edit your profile
profile = %Nostr.Models.Profile{
about: "Instance of https://github.com/RooSoft/nostr being tested in the wild",
name: "roosoft_test_bot",
picture: "https://nostr.build/i/p/5158p.jpg"
|> NostrApp.update_profile()
### Subscribe to your profile... will send the current version and any subsequent changes
### Subscribe to a timeline
|> NostrApp.timeline()
You'll receive past and live events from all your followed contacts into the console,
and are now able to send messages with that identity.
### Send a message
NostrApp.send("aren't you entertained?")
### Repost a message
|> Nostr.Models.Note.Id.from_bech32()
|> NostrApp.repost()
### Delete a message
|> Nostr.Models.Note.Id.from_bech32()
|> NostrApp.delete()
### Follow someone
This is a bit rough around the edges still, but will be simplified soon
|> Nostr.Keys.PublicKey.from_npub!()
|> NostrApp.follow()
### Unfollow someone
|> Nostr.Keys.PublicKey.from_npub!()
|> NostrApp.unfollow()
### See who someone is currently following
Could be yourself or anybody...
|> Nostr.Keys.PublicKey.from_npub!()
|> NostrApp.contacts
### Subscribe to incoming encrypted direct messages
### Send an encrypted direct message to someone
|> Nostr.Keys.PublicKey.from_npub!()
|> NostrApp.send_encrypted_direct_messages "Howdy?"