
defmodule Nostrum.Struct.Message.Component do
  @moduledoc """
  A component attached to a message.

  Note that the fields present depend on the `t:type/0` of the component object.

  See the [Discord API Component Object
  for more information.
  @moduledoc since: "0.5.0"

  alias Nostrum.Struct.Emoji
  alias Nostrum.Util

  defstruct [

  @typedoc """
  Component type.

  This field is always set.

  ## Values

  - ``1``: Action Row - A container for other components.
  - ``2``: Button - A button object.
  - ``3``: Select Menu - A select menu for picking from choices.
  - ``4``: Text Input - A text input field.

  ## References

  See [Discord Developer Portal: Component
  @type type :: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

  @typedoc """
  A developer-defined identifier for the component.

  Maximum of 100 characters. Only present for buttons and select menus.
  @type custom_id :: String.t() | nil

  @typedoc """
  Whether the component is disabled.

  Only present for buttons and select menus.
  @type disabled :: boolean() | nil

  @typedoc """
  An integer representing the style of the button or text input.

  Only present for buttons and text input.

  ## Values (Button)

  - ``1``: Primary - blurple, ``custom_id`` required.
  - ``2``: Secondary - grey, ``custom_id`` required.
  - ``3``: Success - green, ``custom_id`` required.
  - ``4``: Danger - red, ``custom_id`` required.
  - ``5``: Link - grey, ``url`` required, navigates to the URL.

  ## Values (Text Input)
  - ``1``: Short - A single line text input.
  - ``2``: Paragraph - A multi-line text input.

  ## References

  See [Discord Developer Portal: Button
  @type style :: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | nil

  @typedoc """
  Text that appears on the button, or above the text input.

  Maximum of 80 characters. Only present for buttons and text input.
  @type label :: String.t() | nil

  @typedoc """
  Partial emoji of the button.

  Only present for buttons. The following fields are set:

  - ``name``
  - ``id``
  - ``animated``
  @type emoji :: Emoji.t() | nil

  @typedoc """
  URL for link-style buttons.

  Only present for buttons.
  @type url :: String.t() | nil

  @typedoc """
  Choices of the select menu.

  Maximum of 25 options. Only present for select menus.

  ## References

  See [Discord Developer Portal: Select Option
  @type options ::
              required(:label) => String.t(),
              required(:value) => String.t(),
              optional(:description) => String.t(),
              optional(:emoji) => %{
                animated: Emoji.animated()
              optional(:default) => boolean()
          | nil

  @typedoc """
  Custom placeholder text if nothing is selected.

  Maximum of 100 characters. Only present for select menus and text inputs.
  @type placeholder :: String.t() | nil

  @typedoc """
  Minimum number of items that must be chosen.

  Defaults to ``1``. Minimum of ``0``. Maximum of ``25``. Only present for select menus.
  @type min_values :: 0..25 | nil

  @typedoc """
  Maximum number of items that must be chosen.

  Defaults to ``1``. Maximum of ``25``. Only present for select menus.
  @type max_values :: 1..25 | nil

  @typedoc """
  Minimum length of the input text.

  Defaults to ``0``. Maximum of ``4000``. Only present for text inputs.
  @typedoc since: "0.5.1"
  @type min_length :: 0..4000 | nil

  @typedoc """
  Maximum length of the input text.

  Defaults to ``1``. Maximum of ``4000``. Only present for text inputs.
  @typedoc since: "0.5.1"
  @type max_length :: 1..4000 | nil

  @typedoc """
  Whether the component is required to be filled, defaults to `false`.

  Only present for text inputs.
  @typedoc since: "0.5.1"
  @type required :: boolean() | nil

  @typedoc """
  The current value of the component.

  When creating a new component, this will be its pre-filled value if present.
  Only present for text inputs.
  @typedoc since: "0.5.1"
  @type value :: String.t() | nil

  @typedoc """
  Child components for action rows.

  Only present for action rows.
  @type components :: [t()]

  @typedoc "Represents a message component."
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          type: type,
          custom_id: custom_id,
          disabled: disabled,
          style: style,
          label: label,
          emoji: emoji,
          url: url,
          options: options,
          placeholder: placeholder,
          min_values: min_values,
          max_values: max_values,
          min_length: min_length,
          max_length: max_length,
          required: required,
          value: value,
          components: components

  @doc false
  @spec to_struct(map()) :: t()
  def to_struct(map) do
    new =
      |> {k, v} -> {Util.maybe_to_atom(k), v} end)
      |> Map.update(:emoji, nil, &Util.cast(&1, {:struct, Emoji}))
      |> Map.update(:components, nil, &Util.cast(&1, {:list, {:struct, __MODULE__}}))

    struct(__MODULE__, new)