
defmodule Nostrum.Struct.Emoji do
  @moduledoc ~S"""
  Struct representing a Discord emoji.

  ## Mentioning Emojis in Messages

  A `Nostrum.Struct.Emoji` can be mentioned in message content using the `String.Chars`
  protocol or `mention/1`.

  emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 437093487582642177, name: "foxbot"}
  Nostrum.Api.create_message!(184046599834435585, "#{emoji}")
  %Nostrum.Struct.Message{content: "<:foxbot:437093487582642177>"}

  emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 436885297037312001, name: "tealixir"}
  Nostrum.Api.create_message!(280085880452939778, "#{Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.mention(emoji)}")
  %Nostrum.Struct.Message{content: "<:tealixir:436885297037312001>"}

  ## Using Emojis in the Api

  A `Nostrum.Struct.Emoji` can be used in `Nostrum.Api` by using its api name
  or the struct itself.

  emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 436885297037312001, name: "tealixir"}
  Nostrum.Api.create_reaction(381889573426429952, 436247584349356032, Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.api_name(emoji))

  emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 436189601820966923, name: "elixir"}
  Nostrum.Api.create_reaction(381889573426429952, 436247584349356032, emoji)

  See `t:Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.api_name/0` for more information.

  alias Nostrum.{Constants, Snowflake, Util}
  alias Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role
  alias Nostrum.Struct.User

  defstruct [

  defimpl String.Chars do
    def to_string(emoji), do: @for.mention(emoji)

  @typedoc ~S"""
  Emoji string to be used with the Discord API.

  Some API endpoints take an `emoji`. If it is a custom emoji, it must be
  structured as `"id:name"`. If it is an unicode emoji, it can be structured
  as any of the following:

    * `"name"`
    * A base 16 unicode emoji string.

  `api_name/1` is a convenience function that returns a `Nostrum.Struct.Emoji`'s
  api name.

  ## Examples

  # Custom Emojis

  # Unicode Emojis
  @type api_name :: String.t()

  @typedoc "Id of the emoji"
  @type id :: Snowflake.t() | nil

  @typedoc "Name of the emoji"
  @type name :: String.t()

  @typedoc "Roles this emoji is whitelisted to"
  @type roles :: [] | nil

  @typedoc "User that created this emoji"
  @type user :: User.t() | nil

  @typedoc "Whether this emoji must be wrapped in colons"
  @type require_colons :: boolean | nil

  @typedoc "Whether this emoji is managed"
  @type managed :: boolean | nil

  @typedoc "Whether this emoji is animated"
  @type animated :: boolean | nil

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          id: id,
          name: name,
          roles: roles,
          user: user,
          require_colons: require_colons,
          managed: managed,
          animated: animated

  @doc ~S"""
  Formats an `Nostrum.Struct.Emoji` into a mention.

  ## Examples

  iex> emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{name: "👍"}
  ...> Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.mention(emoji)

  iex> emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 436885297037312001, name: "tealixir"}
  ...> Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.mention(emoji)

  iex> emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 437016804309860372, name: "blobseizure", animated: true}
  ...> Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.mention(emoji)
  @spec mention(t) :: String.t()
  def mention(emoji)
  def mention(%__MODULE__{id: nil, name: name}), do: name
  def mention(%__MODULE__{animated: true, id: id, name: name}), do: "<a:#{name}:#{id}>"
  def mention(%__MODULE__{id: id, name: name}), do: "<:#{name}:#{id}>"

  @doc ~S"""
  Formats an emoji struct into its `t:Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.api_name/0`.

  ## Examples

  iex> emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{name: "Γ¡É"}
  ...> Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.api_name(emoji)

  iex> emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 437093487582642177, name: "foxbot"}
  ...> Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.api_name(emoji)
  @spec api_name(t) :: api_name
  def api_name(emoji)
  def api_name(%__MODULE__{id: nil, name: name}), do: name
  def api_name(%__MODULE__{id: id, name: name}), do: "#{name}:#{id}"

  @doc """
  Returns the url of a custom emoji's image. If the emoji is not a custom one,
  returns `nil`.

  ## Examples

  iex> emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 450225070569291776}
  iex> Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.image_url(emoji)

  iex> emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: 406140226998894614, animated: true}
  iex> Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.image_url(emoji)

  iex> emoji = %Nostrum.Struct.Emoji{id: nil, name: "Γ¡É"}
  iex> Nostrum.Struct.Emoji.image_url(emoji)
  @spec image_url(t) :: String.t() | nil
  def image_url(emoji)
  def image_url(%__MODULE__{id: nil}), do: nil

  def image_url(%__MODULE__{animated: true, id: id}),
    do: URI.encode(Constants.cdn_url() <> Constants.cdn_emoji(id, "gif"))

  def image_url(%__MODULE__{id: id}),
    do: URI.encode(Constants.cdn_url() <> Constants.cdn_emoji(id, "png"))

  @doc false
  def p_encode do

  @doc false
  def to_struct(map) do
    new =
      |> {k, v} -> {Util.maybe_to_atom(k), v} end)
      |> Map.update(:id, nil, &Util.cast(&1, Snowflake))
      |> Map.update(:roles, nil, &Util.cast(&1, {:list, Snowflake}))
      |> Map.update(:user, nil, &Util.cast(&1, {:struct, User}))

    struct(__MODULE__, new)