
defmodule Nostrum.Struct.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataResolved do
  @moduledoc "Converted interaction payload."
  @moduledoc since: "0.5.0"

  alias Nostrum.Struct.Channel
  alias Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member
  alias Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Role
  alias Nostrum.Struct.Message
  alias Nostrum.Struct.Message.Attachment
  alias Nostrum.Struct.User
  alias Nostrum.Util

  defstruct [:users, :members, :roles, :channels, :messages, :attachments]

  @typedoc "IDs and corresponding users"
  @type users :: %{ => User.t()} | nil

  @typedoc """
  IDs and corresponding partial members.

  These members are *missing* values on the following fields:

  - ``user``
  - ``deaf``
  - ``mute``

  The corresponding user data can be looked up in ``users``. For members that
  are part of this map, data for the corresponding user will always be included.
  @type members :: %{ => Member.t()} | nil

  @typedoc """
  The IDs and corresponding messages.
  @type messages :: %{ => Message.t()} | nil

  @typedoc "IDs and corresponding roles"
  @type roles :: %{ => Role.t()} | nil

  @typedoc """
  IDs and corresponding partial channels.

  The channels in this map *only* have the following keys set:

  - ``id``
  - ``name``
  - ``type``
  - ``permissions``
  @type channels :: %{ => Channel.guild_text_channel()} | nil

  @typedoc "Attachments sent along with the interaction."
  @typedoc since: "0.7.0"
  @type attachments :: %{ => Attachment.t()} | nil

  @typedoc "Resolved interaction data"
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          users: users,
          members: members(),
          roles: roles(),
          channels: channels(),
          messages: messages(),
          attachments: attachments()

  # Parse the given mapping of strings to some corresponding arguments.
  # String snowflakes are transformed to integers, because our runtime
  # supports arbitrary-sized integers. Take that.
  defp map_parse(nil, _target_type) do

  defp map_parse(structure, target_type) do
    # Conversion of digit strings to integers is performed in `Util.safe_atom_map`.
    |> {k, v} -> {k, Util.cast(v, target_type)} end)
    |> :maps.from_list()

  @doc false
  def to_struct(map) do
      users: map_parse(map[:users], {:struct, User}),
      members: map_parse(map[:members], {:struct, Member}),
      roles: map_parse(map[:roles], {:struct, Role}),
      channels: map_parse(map[:channels], {:struct, Channel}),
      messages: map_parse(map[:messages], {:struct, Message}),
      attachments: map_parse(map[:attachments], {:struct, Attachment})