# NotifiedPhoenix
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Phoenix live views for [notified](


## Installation

Add the `notified_phoenix` package to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:notified_phoenix, "~> 0.0.6"}

## Usage

### Live Badge

<%= live_render(@socket, NotifiedPhoenix.BadgeLive, [] %>


### Live List

<%= live_render(@socket, NotifiedPhoenix.ListLive, class: "my-custom-style" %>


## Receivers

`NotifiedPhoenix` ships with extra receivers that can be used within modern web browsers

- `NotifiedPhoenix.Receivers.Speech` - Uses the experimental [SpeechSynthesis]( API to read the subject of the notification
- `NotifiedPhoenix.Receivers.BrowserNotification` - Uses the browsers native [Notification]( API to display a notification on the host system

config :notified, receivers: [
  {NotifiedPhoenix.Receivers.Speech, []}
  {NotifiedPhoenix.Receivers.BrowserNotification, []}

## Authors

- Alex Kwiatkowski -

## License

`notified_phoenix` is released under the [MIT license](./LICENSE)