execute(Req = #{plugins := Plugins}, Env = #{plugin_state := pre_request}) ->
%% This is a post plugin
PostPlugins = proplists:get_value(post_request, Plugins, []),
run_plugins(PostPlugins, post_request, Req, Env);
execute(Req = #{plugins := Plugins}, Env) ->
%% Determine which pre-plugin this is
PrePlugins = proplists:get_value(pre_request, Plugins, []),
run_plugins(PrePlugins, pre_request, Req, Env);
execute(Req, Env) ->
%% The router could not find any match for us
{ok, Req, Env}.
run_plugins([], Callback, Req, Env) ->
{ok, Req, Env#{plugin_state => Callback}};
run_plugins([{Module, Options}|Tl], Callback, Req, Env) ->
Args = case proplists:get_value(Callback, Module:module_info(exports)) of
2 -> [Req, Options];
3 -> [Req, Env, Options];
_ -> {throw, bad_callback}
try erlang:apply(Module, Callback, Args) of
{ok, Req0} ->
run_plugins(Tl, Callback, Req0, Env);
{ok, Reply, Req0} ->
Req1 = handle_reply(Reply, Req0),
run_plugins(Tl, Callback, Req1, Env);
{break, Req0} ->
{ok, Req0};
{break, Reply, Req0} ->
Req1 = handle_reply(Reply, Req0),
{ok, Req1};
{stop, Req0} ->
{stop, Req0};
{stop, Reply, Req0} ->
Req1 = handle_reply(Reply, Req0),
{stop, Req1}
Class:Reason:Stacktrace ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{msg => <<"Plugin crashed">>, class => Class, reason => Reason, stacktrace => Stacktrace}),
Req0 = Req#{crash_info => #{class => Class,
reason => Reason,
stacktrace => Stacktrace}},
nova_router:render_status_page('_', 500, #{}, Req0, Env)
handle_reply({reply, Body}, Req) ->
handle_reply({reply, 200, #{}, Body}, Req);
handle_reply({reply, Status, Body}, Req) ->
handle_reply({reply, Status, #{}, Body}, Req);
handle_reply({reply, Status, Headers, Body}, Req) ->
Req0 = cowboy_req:set_resp_headers(Headers, Req),
Req1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_body(Body, Req0),
Req1#{resp_status_code => Status};
handle_reply(_, Req) ->