%%% @author Niclas Axelsson <niclas@burbas.se>
%%% @doc
%%% @end
%% Cowboy middleware-callbacks
%% API
%% Expose the router-callback
%% Modulates the routes-table
-type bindings() :: #{binary() := binary()}.
%% This module is also exposing callbacks for routers
-callback routes(Env :: atom()) -> Routes :: [map()].
-define(NOVA_APPS, nova_apps).
-spec compiled_apps() -> [{App :: atom(), Prefix :: list()}].
compiled_apps() ->
StorageBackend = application:get_env(nova, dispatch_backend, persistent_term),
StorageBackend:get(?NOVA_APPS, []).
-spec compile(Apps :: [atom() | {atom(), map()}]) -> host_tree().
compile(Apps) ->
UseStrict = application:get_env(nova, use_strict_routing, false),
Dispatch = compile(Apps, routing_tree:new(#{use_strict => UseStrict, convert_to_binary => true}), #{}),
StorageBackend = application:get_env(nova, dispatch_backend, persistent_term),
StorageBackend:put(nova_dispatch, Dispatch),
-spec execute(Req, Env :: cowboy_middleware:env()) -> {ok, Req, Env0} | {stop, Req}
when Req::cowboy_req:req(),
execute(Req = #{host := Host, path := Path, method := Method}, Env) ->
StorageBackend = application:get_env(nova, dispatch_backend, persistent_term),
Dispatch = StorageBackend:get(nova_dispatch),
case routing_tree:lookup(Host, Path, Method, Dispatch) of
{error, not_found} -> render_status_page('_', 404, #{error => "Not found in path"}, Req, Env);
{error, comparator_not_found} -> render_status_page('_', 405, #{error => "Method not allowed"}, Req, Env);
{ok, Bindings, #nova_handler_value{app = App, callback = Callback, secure = Secure, plugins = Plugins,
extra_state = ExtraState}} ->
Req#{plugins => Plugins,
extra_state => ExtraState,
bindings => Bindings},
Env#{app => App,
callback => Callback,
secure => Secure,
controller_data => #{}
{ok, Bindings, #nova_handler_value{app = App, callback = Callback,
secure = Secure, plugins = Plugins, extra_state = ExtraState}, Pathinfo} ->
Req#{plugins => Plugins,
extra_state => ExtraState#{pathinfo => Pathinfo},
bindings => Bindings},
Env#{app => App,
callback => Callback,
secure => Secure,
controller_data => #{}
{ok, Bindings, #cowboy_handler_value{app = App, handler = Handler, arguments = Args,
plugins = Plugins, secure = Secure}} ->
Req#{plugins => Plugins,
bindings => Bindings},
Env#{app => App,
cowboy_handler => Handler,
arguments => Args,
secure => Secure
Error ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{reason => <<"Unexpected return from routing_tree:lookup/4">>,
return_object => Error}),
render_status_page(Host, 404, #{error => Error}, Req, Env)
lookup_url(Path) ->
lookup_url('_', Path).
lookup_url(Host, Path) ->
lookup_url(Host, Path, '_').
lookup_url(Host, Path, Method) ->
StorageBackend = application:get_env(nova, dispatch_backend, persistent_term),
Dispatch = StorageBackend:get(nova_dispatch),
lookup_url(Host, Path, Method, Dispatch).
lookup_url(Host, Path, Method, Dispatch) ->
routing_tree:lookup(Host, Path, Method, Dispatch).
%% @doc
%% Add routes to the dispatch-table for the given app. The routes
%% can be either a list of maps or a map. It use the same structure as
%% the routes-callback in the router-module.
%% @end
-spec add_routes(App :: atom(), Routes :: [map()] | map()) -> ok.
add_routes(_App, []) -> ok;
add_routes(App, [Routes|Tl]) when is_list(Routes) ->
Options = #{},
StorageBackend = application:get_env(nova, dispatch_backend, persistent_term),
Dispatch = StorageBackend:get(nova_dispatch),
%% Take out the prefix for the app and store it in the persistent store
CompiledApps = StorageBackend:get(?NOVA_APPS, []),
CompiledApps0 =
case lists:keyfind(App, 1, CompiledApps) of
false ->
[{App, maps:get(prefix, Options, "/")}|CompiledApps];
_StoredApp ->
Options1 = Options#{app => App},
{ok, Dispatch1, _Options2} = compile_paths(Routes, Dispatch, Options1),
StorageBackend:put(?NOVA_APPS, CompiledApps0),
StorageBackend:put(nova_dispatch, Dispatch1),
add_routes(App, Tl);
add_routes(App, Routes) ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{reason => <<"Invalid routes structure">>, app => App, routes => Routes}),
throw({error, {invalid_routes, App, Routes}}).
-spec compile(Apps :: [atom() | {atom(), map()}], Dispatch :: host_tree(), Options :: map()) -> host_tree().
compile([], Dispatch, _Options) -> Dispatch;
compile([{App, Options}|Tl], Dispatch, GlobalOptions) ->
compile([App|Tl], Dispatch, maps:merge(Options, GlobalOptions));
compile([App|Tl], Dispatch, Options) ->
%% Fetch the router-module for this application
Router = erlang:list_to_atom(io_lib:format("~s_router", [App])),
Env = nova:get_environment(),
%% Call the router
Routes = Router:routes(Env),
Options1 = Options#{app => App},
{ok, Dispatch1, Options2} = compile_paths(Routes, Dispatch, Options1),
%% Take out the prefix for the app and store it in the persistent store
StorageBackend = application:get_env(nova, dispatch_backend, persistent_term),
CompiledApps = StorageBackend:get(?NOVA_APPS, []),
CompiledApps0 = [{App, maps:get(prefix, Options, "/")}|CompiledApps],
StorageBackend:put(?NOVA_APPS, CompiledApps0),
compile(Tl, Dispatch1, Options2).
compile_paths([], Dispatch, Options) -> {ok, Dispatch, Options};
compile_paths([RouteInfo|Tl], Dispatch, Options) ->
App = maps:get(app, Options),
%% Fetch the global plugins
GlobalPlugins = application:get_env(nova, plugins, []),
Plugins = maps:get(plugins, RouteInfo, GlobalPlugins),
Secure =
case maps:get(secure, Options, maps:get(security, RouteInfo, false)) of
false ->
{SMod, SFun} ->
?LOG_DEPRECATED("v0.9.24", "The {Mod,Fun} format have been deprecated. Use the new format for routes."),
fun SMod:SFun/1;
SCallback ->
Value = #nova_handler_value{secure = Secure, app = App, plugins = normalize_plugins(Plugins),
extra_state = maps:get(extra_state, RouteInfo, #{})},
Prefix = concat_strings(maps:get(prefix, Options, ""), maps:get(prefix, RouteInfo, "")),
Host = maps:get(host, RouteInfo, '_'),
SubApps = maps:get(apps, RouteInfo, []),
%% We need to add this app info to nova-env
NovaEnv = nova:get_env(apps, []),
NovaEnv0 = [{App, #{prefix => Prefix}} | NovaEnv],
nova:set_env(apps, NovaEnv0),
{ok, Dispatch1} = parse_url(Host, maps:get(routes, RouteInfo, []), Prefix, Value, Dispatch),
Dispatch2 = compile(SubApps, Dispatch1, Options#{value => Value, prefix => Prefix}),
compile_paths(Tl, Dispatch2, Options).
parse_url(_Host, [], _Prefix, _Value, Tree) -> {ok, Tree};
parse_url(Host, [{StatusCode, Callback, Options}|Tl], Prefix, Value, Tree) when is_integer(StatusCode) andalso
is_function(Callback) ->
Value0 = Value#nova_handler_value{callback = Callback},
Res = lists:foldl(fun(Method, Tree0) ->
insert(Host, StatusCode, Method, Value0, Tree0)
end, Tree, maps:get(methods, Options, ['_'])),
parse_url(Host, Tl, Prefix, Value, Res);
[{RemotePath, LocalPath}|Tl],
Prefix, Value = #nova_handler_value{}, Tree)
when is_list(RemotePath), is_list(LocalPath) ->
parse_url(Host, [{RemotePath, LocalPath, #{}}|Tl], Prefix, Value, Tree);
[{RemotePath, LocalPath, Options}|Tl],
Prefix, Value = #nova_handler_value{app = App, secure = Secure},
Tree) when is_list(RemotePath), is_list(LocalPath) ->
%% Static assets - check that the path exists
PrivPath = filename:join(code:priv_dir(App), LocalPath),
Payload =
case {filelib:is_dir(LocalPath), filelib:is_dir(PrivPath)} of
{false, false} ->
%% No directory - check if it's a file
case {filelib:is_file(LocalPath), filelib:is_file(PrivPath)} of
{false, false} ->
%% No dir nor file
?LOG_WARNING(#{reason => <<"Could not find local path for the given resource">>,
local_path => LocalPath,
remote_path => RemotePath}),
{true, false} ->
{file, LocalPath};
{_, true} ->
{priv_file, App, LocalPath}
{true, false} ->
{dir, LocalPath};
{_, true} ->
{priv_dir, App, LocalPath}
TargetFun = case Payload of
{file, _} -> get_file;
{priv_file, _, _} -> get_file;
{dir, _} -> get_dir;
{priv_dir, _, _} -> get_dir
Value0 = #nova_handler_value{
app = App,
callback = fun nova_file_controller:TargetFun/1,
extra_state = #{static => Payload, options => Options},
plugins = Value#nova_handler_value.plugins,
secure = Secure
Tree0 = insert(Host, string:concat(Prefix, RemotePath), '_', Value0, Tree),
parse_url(Host, Tl, Prefix, Value, Tree0);
parse_url(Host, [{Path, {Mod, Func}, Options}|Tl], Prefix,
Value = #nova_handler_value{app = _App, secure = _Secure}, Tree) ->
?LOG_DEPRECATED(<<"v0.9.24">>, <<"The {Mod,Fun} format have been deprecated. Use the new format for routes.">>),
parse_url(Host, [{Path, fun Mod:Func/1, Options}|Tl], Prefix, Value, Tree);
parse_url(Host, [{Path, Callback}|Tl], Prefix, Value, Tree) when is_function(Callback) ->
%% Recurse with same args but with added options
parse_url(Host, [{Path, Callback, #{}}|Tl], Prefix, Value, Tree);
parse_url(Host, [{Path, Callback, Options}|Tl], Prefix, Value = #nova_handler_value{app = App}, Tree)
when is_function(Callback) ->
case maps:get(protocol, Options, http) of
http ->
%% Transform the path to a string format
RealPath = concat_strings(Prefix, Path),
Methods = maps:get(methods, Options, ['_']),
ExtraState = maps:get(extra_state, Options, undefined),
Value0 = Value#nova_handler_value{extra_state = ExtraState},
CompiledPaths =
fun(Method, Tree0) ->
BinMethod = method_to_binary(Method),
Value1 = Value0#nova_handler_value{
callback = Callback
?LOG_DEBUG(#{action => <<"Adding route">>, route => RealPath, app => App, method => Method}),
insert(Host, RealPath, BinMethod, Value1, Tree0)
end, Tree, Methods),
parse_url(Host, Tl, Prefix, Value, CompiledPaths);
OtherProtocol ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{reason => <<"Unknown protocol">>, protocol => OtherProtocol}),
parse_url(Host, Tl, Prefix, Value, Tree)
[{Path, Mod, #{protocol := ws}} | Tl],
Prefix, #nova_handler_value{app = App, secure = Secure} = Value,
Tree) when is_atom(Mod) ->
Value0 = #cowboy_handler_value{
app = App,
handler = nova_ws_handler,
arguments = #{module => Mod},
plugins = Value#nova_handler_value.plugins,
secure = Secure},
?LOG_DEBUG(#{action => <<"Adding route">>, protocol => <<"ws">>, route => Path, app => App}),
RealPath = concat_strings(Prefix, Path),
CompiledPaths = insert(Host, RealPath, '_', Value0, Tree),
parse_url(Host, Tl, Prefix, Value, CompiledPaths).
-spec render_status_page(StatusCode :: integer(), Req :: cowboy_req:req()) ->
{ok, Req0 :: cowboy_req:req(), Env :: map()}.
render_status_page(StatusCode, Req) ->
render_status_page(StatusCode, #{}, Req).
-spec render_status_page(StatusCode :: integer(), Data :: map(), Req :: cowboy_req:req()) ->
{ok, Req0 :: cowboy_req:req(), Env :: map()}.
render_status_page(StatusCode, Data, Req) ->
StorageBackend = application:get_env(nova, dispatch_backend, persistent_term),
Dispatch = StorageBackend:get(nova_dispatch),
render_status_page('_', StatusCode, Data, Req, #{dispatch => Dispatch}).
-spec render_status_page(Host :: binary() | atom(),
StatusCode :: integer(),
Data :: map(),
Req :: cowboy_req:req(),
Env :: map()) -> {ok, Req0 :: cowboy_req:req(), Env :: map()}.
render_status_page(Host, StatusCode, Data, Req, Env) ->
StorageBackend = application:get_env(nova, dispatch_backend, persistent_term),
Dispatch = StorageBackend:get(nova_dispatch),
{Req0, Env0} =
case routing_tree:lookup(Host, StatusCode, '_', Dispatch) of
{error, _} ->
%% Render nova page if exists - We need to determine where to find this path?
{Req, Env#{app => nova,
callback => fun nova_error_controller:status_code/1,
secure => false,
controller_data => #{status => StatusCode, data => Data}}};
{ok, Bindings, #nova_handler_value{app = App,
callback = Callback,
secure = Secure,
extra_state = ExtraState}} ->
Req#{extra_state => ExtraState, bindings => Bindings, resp_status_code => StatusCode},
Env#{app => App,
callback => Callback,
secure => Secure,
controller_data => #{status => StatusCode, data => Data},
bindings => Bindings}
{ok, Req0#{resp_status_code => StatusCode}, Env0}.
insert(Host, Path, Combinator, Value, Tree) ->
try routing_tree:insert(Host, Path, Combinator, Value, Tree) of
Tree0 -> Tree0
throw:Exception ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{reason => <<"Error when inserting route">>, route => Path, combinator => Combinator}),
Type:Exception ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{reason => <<"Unexpected exit">>, type => Type, exception => Exception}),
normalize_plugins(Plugins) ->
NormalizedPlugins = normalize_plugins(Plugins, []),
[{Type, lists:reverse(TypePlugins)} || {Type, TypePlugins} <- NormalizedPlugins].
normalize_plugins([], Ack) -> Ack;
normalize_plugins([{Type, PluginName, Options}|Tl], Ack) ->
ExistingPlugins = proplists:get_value(Type, Ack, []),
normalize_plugins(Tl, [{Type, [{PluginName, Options}|ExistingPlugins]}|proplists:delete(Type, Ack)]).
method_to_binary(get) -> <<"GET">>;
method_to_binary(post) -> <<"POST">>;
method_to_binary(put) -> <<"PUT">>;
method_to_binary(delete) -> <<"DELETE">>;
method_to_binary(options) -> <<"OPTIONS">>;
method_to_binary(head) -> <<"HEAD">>;
method_to_binary(connect) -> <<"CONNECT">>;
method_to_binary(trace) -> <<"TRACE">>;
method_to_binary(patch) -> <<"PATCH">>;
method_to_binary(_) -> '_'.
concat_strings(Path1, Path2) when is_binary(Path1) ->
concat_strings(binary_to_list(Path1), Path2);
concat_strings(Path1, Path2) when is_binary(Path2) ->
concat_strings(Path1, binary_to_list(Path2));
concat_strings(_Path1, Path2) when is_integer(Path2) ->
concat_strings(Path1, Path2) when is_list(Path1), is_list(Path2) ->
string:concat(Path1, Path2).
-spec routes(Env :: atom()) -> [map()].
routes(_) ->
routes => [
{404, { nova_error_controller, not_found }, #{}},
{500, { nova_error_controller, server_error }, #{}}
-compile(export_all). %% Export all functions for testing purpose