
%%% @doc
%%% <h2> Plugin Configuration</h2>
%%% To not break backwards compatibility in a minor release, some behavior is behind configuration items.
%%% <h3> Request Correlation Header Name </h3>
%%% Set <code>request_correlation_header</code> in the plugin config to read the correlation ID from the request headers.
%%% Notice: Cowboy request headers are always in lowercase.
%%% <h3> Default Correlation ID Generation </h3>
%%% If the header name is not defined or the request lacks a correlation ID header, then the plugin generates
%%% a v4 UUID automatically.
%%% <h3> Logger Metadata Key Override </h3>
%%% Use <code>logger_metadata_key</code> to customize the correlation ID key in OTP logger process metadata. By default it is set to <code>&lt;&lt;"correlation-id">></code>.
%%% <h3> Correlation ID in Request Object </h3>
%%% The plugin defines a field called <code>correlation_id</code> in the request object for controller use if it makes further requests that it want to pass on the correlation id to.
%%% <h3> Example configuration </h3>
%%% <pre lang="erlang"><![CDATA[
%%%     {plugins, [
%%%         {pre_request, nova_correlation_plugin, #{
%%%             request_correlation_header => <<"x-correlation-id">>,
%%%             logger_metadata_key => correlation_id
%%%         }}
%%%     ]}
%%% ]]></pre>
%%% @end



%% @doc
%% Pre-request callback to either pick up correlation id from request headers
%% or generate a new uuid correlation id.
%% @end

pre_request(Req0, Opts) ->
    CorrId = get_correlation_id(Req0, Opts),
    %% Update the loggers metadata with correlation-id
    ok = update_logger_metadata(CorrId, Opts),
    Req1 = cowboy_req:set_resp_header(<<"X-Correlation-ID">>, CorrId, Req0),
    Req = Req1#{correlation_id => CorrId},
    {ok, Req}.

post_request(Req, _) ->
    {ok, Req}.

plugin_info() ->
     <<"Nova team <">>,
     <<"Add X-Correlation-ID headers to response">>,

get_correlation_id(Req, #{ request_correlation_header := CorrelationHeader }) ->
    case cowboy_req:header(CorrelationHeader, Req) of
        undefined ->
        CorrId ->
get_correlation_id(_Req, _Opts) ->

uuid() ->

update_logger_metadata(CorrId, Opts) ->
    LoggerKey = maps:get(logger_metadata_key, Opts, <<"correlation-id">>),
    logger:update_process_metadata(#{LoggerKey => CorrId}).