# Numero

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A micro library for converting non-english digits.

## Installation

Numero can be installed
by adding `numero` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:numero, "~> 0.2.0"}]

## Using Numero

On strings for strings:

result = Numero.normalize("1۲۳۰4a۳tس")
# result = "12304a3tس"

Smart numeric convert:

(Convert numbers to Integer or Float based on input string)

result = Numero.normalize_as_number("1۲۳۰4۳")
# result = {:ok, 123043}

result = Numero.normalize_as_number("1۲۳۰4۳.۴5")
# result = {:ok, 123043.45}

result = Numero.normalize_as_number!("1۲۳۰4۳.۴5")
# result = 123043.45

Strip all non numeric chars from a string:

result = Numero.remove_non_digits("12 345abs")
# result = "12345"

# Or even make exceptions for some chars
result = Numero.remove_non_digits("12 345abs", [' ', 'a'])
# result = "12 345a"

Checking if a string is all numbers
result = Numero.is_digit_only?("1234567890")
# result = true

result = Numero.is_digit_only?("1234567890.a")
# result = false
