# NumscriptEx
NumscriptEx is a library that allows its users to check and run Numscripts in Elixir. If this is your first time hearing about
Numscripts, here is a quick explanation:
[Numscript](https://docs.formance.com/numscript/) is a DSL made by [Formance](https://www.formance.com/)
that simplifies complex financial transactions with scripts that are easy to read,
so you don't need a big, complex and error-prone codebase to deal with your finances.
You can see and execute some examples at the [Numscript Playground](https://playground.numscript.org/?template=simple-send).
## Installation
You will just need to add `:numscriptex` as a dependency on your `mix.exs`, and run the `mix deps.get` command:
def deps do
{:numscriptex, "~> 0.2.1"}
### Configuration
NumscriptEx needs some external assets ([Numscript-WASM](https://github.com/PagoPlus/numscript-wasm)),
and you can override the default version.
Available configurations:
- `:version` the binary release version to use (see [numscript-wasm releases](https://github.com/PagoPlus/numscript-wasm/releases/)).
- `:retries` number of times to retry the download in case of a network failure.
config :numscriptex,
version: "0.0.2",
retries: 3
These above are the default values.
## Usage
This library basically has two core functions: `Numscriptex.check/1` and `Numscriptex.run/2`.
Want to check if your script is valid and ready to go? Use the `check/1` function.
Already checked the script and want to execute it? Use the `run/2` function.
But before introducing these two functions, you will need to know what is the `Numscriptex.Run` struct.
### Numscriptex.Run
A numscript needs some other data aside the script itself to run correctly, and
`Numscriptex.Run` solves this problem.
If you want to know what exactly these additional data are, you can see the
[Numscript Playground](https://playground.numscript.org/?template=simple-send) for examples.
The abstraction is made by creating a struct:
iex> %Numscriptex.Run{
...> balances: %{},
...> metadata: %{},
...> variables: %{}
...> }
- `:balances` a map with the account's assets balances.
- `:metadata` [metada variables](https://docs.formance.com/numscript/reference/metadata);
- `:variables` [variables](https://docs.formance.com/numscript/reference/variables) used inside the script.
And to create a new struct, you can use the `Numscriptex.Run.put/3` or `Numscriptex.Run.put!/3` functions. Ex:
iex> variables = %{"order" => "orders:2345"}
...> balances = %{"orders:2345" => %{"USD/2" => 1000}}
...> metadata = %{
...> "merchants:1234" => %{"commission" => "15%"},
...> "orders:2345" => %{"merchant" => "merchants:1234"}
...> }
...> Numscriptex.Run.new()
...> |> Numscriptex.Run.put!(:balances, balances)
...> |> Numscriptex.Run.put!(:metadata, metadata)
...> |> Numscriptex.Run.put!(:variables, variables)
Will return:
iex> %Numscriptex.Run{
...> variables: %{"orders:2345" => %{"USD/2" => 1000}},
...> balances: %{"order" => "orders:2345"},
...> metadata: %{
...> "merchants:1234" => %{"commission" => "15%"},
...> "orders:2345" => %{"merchant" => "merchants:1234"}
...> }
...> }
Kindly reminder: you will always need a valid `Numscriptex.Run` struct to successfully execute your scripts.
### Check
To use `Numscriptex.check/1` you just have to pass your numscript as it's argument. Ex:
iex> "tmp/script.num"
...> |> File.read!()
...> |> Numscriptex.check()
{:ok, %{script: script}
You don´t need to necessarily read from a file, as long as it is a string it's fine.
Sometimes, even if your script is valid, it could also return some warnings, infos or hints inside the map.
iex> {:ok, %{
...> script: "your numscript here",
...> warnings: [
...> %CheckLog{
...> character: 10,
...> level: :warning,
...> line: 1,
...> message: "warning message"
...> }
...> ],
...> hints: [
...> %CheckLog{
...> character: 2,
...> level: :hint,
...> line: 7,
...> message: "hint message"
...> }
...> ],
...> infos: [
...> %CheckLog{
...> character: 9,
...> level: :info,
...> line: 14,
...> message: "info message"
...> }
...> ]
...> }
...> }
The `:script` is the only field that will always return if your script is valid, the other three are optional.
### Run
To use `Numscriptex.run/2` your first argument must be your script (the same you used in `Numscriptex.check/1`), and the second must be the `%Numscriptex.Run{}` struct. Ex:
iex> Numscriptex.run(script, struct)
{:ok, result}
Where result will be something like this:
iex> %{
...> postings: [
...> %{
...> amount: 100,
...> asset: "USD/2",
...> destination: "bar",
...> source: "foo"
...> }
...> ],
...> balances: [
...> %{
...> account: "foo",
...> asset: "EUR/2",
...> final_balance: 300,
...> initial_balance: 300
...> },
...> %{
...> account: "foo",
...> asset: "USD/2",
...> final_balance: 400,
...> initial_balance: 500
...> },
...> %{
...> account: "bar",
...> asset: "USD/2",
...> final_balance: 100,
...> initial_balance: 0
...> }
...> ],
...> accountMeta: %{}
...> txMeta: %{}
...> }
## License
Copyright (c) 2025 MedFlow
This library is MIT licensed. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/PagoPlus/numscriptex/blob/main/README.md) for details.