# Neovim Elixir host

Implements support for Neovim remote plugins written in Elixir.
## Requirements
  - Neovim >= 1.6-dev
  - Elixir >= 1.3
## Installation

Install the host archive, we will use it to build the host locally.

$ mix archive.install

Build and install the host by running `nvim.install` and providing the path to nvim config(`~/.config/nvim` by default on linux systems)

$ mix nvim.install /path/to/nvim/config

## Usage

Currently, each time you somehow update remote plugins you should run `:UpdateElixirPlugins` nvim command.

See `:h remote-plugin-manifest` for the clarification why the manifest is needed(generally, it saves the neovim startup time if remote plugins are installed).

# Plugin Development (Developers only)

+--------+ MsgPack |              +---------+ |
|        |   RPC   | +------+     |         | |
| Neovim <---------> | Host <-----> Plugins | |
|        |         | +------+     |         | |
+--------+         |              +---------+ |
## Structure

Host supports two types of plugins:
  1. Scripts (an elixir script that usually contains simple logic and does not depend on other libs/does not need the versioning/etc).

  2. Applications (an OTP application that is implemented as part of host umbrella project). You can find more information about umbrella projects [here](

Host with plugins lives in `rplugin/elixir` of neovim config directory.
Typical files tree for such dir:

├── scripts <~ scripts
├── apps <~ applications AKA "precompiled plugins"
└── mix.exs

### Plugin DSL
#### Events
`on_event`(better known as `autocmd` for vim users) defines the callback that triggered by editor when some event
happened. Run `:h autocmd-events` for the list of events.

on_event :vim_enter do"the editor is ready")
#### Functions
`function` defines the vim function
function wrong_sum(left, right) do
  left - right
use it in the editor `:echo WrongSum(1,2)`

#### Commands
`command` defines the command.

command just_echo do
  NVim.Session.vim_command("echo from remote plugin")
use it in the editor `:JustEcho`

Only single param can be defined for a command.
This param holds an array of strings provided on the command call.
Elixir `OptionParser` is good choice here.

### Session
In the latest example we used `vim_command` method which is part of Neovim remote API.
In the examples below we asume that we import `NVim.Session` in context of plugin.

### State
Each plugin is [GenServer](
So you can share the state between all actions while the plugin is running:
on_event :cursor_moved do
  state = %{state | {move_counts: state[:move_counts] + 1}

command :show_moves_count do
  moves_info = "Current moves: #{state[:move_count]}"
  vim_command("echo '#{moves_info}'")
### Pre-evaluated values
Any vim value can be pre-evaluated before the action will be triggered:
on_event :cursor_hold_i,
  pre_evaluate: %{
    "expand('cWORD')" => word_under_cursor
  if word_under_cursor == "Elixir" do
## Basic scripts
"Hello" from plug:
# ~/.config/nvim/rplugin/elixir/scripts/my_plug.exs
defmodule MyPlug do
  use NVim.Plugin

  command hello_from_plug do
    NVim.Session.vim_command "echo 'hello'"
## Debugging scripts.
`ElixirHostLog` opens the host log.  
 Log severety level can be changed in the host config.
 > `~/.config/nvim/rplugin/elixir/apps/host/config/config.exs` is default path on linux
 `ElixirReloadScript` reloads running script.
 > This works only for the reloading an implementation of already defined command/function/event.  
 > This means if you add/remove some definition or change its option(`pre_evaluate` for example) you should restart the editor.