
defmodule Nx.Defn.Kernel do
  @moduledoc """
  All imported functionality available inside `defn` blocks.

  import Nx.Shared, only: [defnguard: 2]

  @doc """
  Defines an alias, as in `Kernel.SpecialForms.alias/2`.

  An alias allows you to refer to a module using its aliased
  name. For example:

      defn some_fun(t) do
        alias Math.Helpers, as: MH

  If the `:as` option is not given, the alias defaults to
  the last part of the given alias. For example,

      alias Math.Helpers

  is equivalent to:

      alias Math.Helpers, as: Helpers

  Finally, note that aliases define outside of a function also
  apply to the function, as they have lexical scope:

      alias Math.Helpers, as: MH

      defn some_fun(t) do

  defmacro alias(module, opts \\ []), do: special_form!([module, opts])

  @doc """
  Imports functions and macros into the current scope,
  as in `Kernel.SpecialForms.import/2`.

  Imports are typically discouraged in favor of `alias/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn some_fun(t) do
        import Math.Helpers

  defmacro import(module, opts \\ []), do: special_form!([module, opts])

  @doc """
  Requires a module in order to use its macros, as in `Kernel.SpecialForms.require/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn some_fun(t) do
        require NumericalMacros

        NumericalMacros.some_macro t do

  defmacro require(module, opts \\ []), do: special_form!([module, opts])

  @doc """
  Evaluates the expression corresponding to the first
  clause that evaluates to a truthy value.

  It has the format of:

      cond do
        condition1 ->

        condition2 ->

        true ->

  The conditions must be a scalar. Zero is considered false,
  any other number is considered true. The booleans `false` and
  `true` are supported, but any other value will raise.

  All clauses are normalized to the same type and are broadcast
  to the same shape. The last condition must always evaluate to
  true. All clauses are executed in the device, unless they can
  be determined to always be true/false while building the numerical

  ## Examples

      cond do
        Nx.all(Nx.greater(a, 0)) -> b * c
        Nx.all(Nx.less(a, 0)) -> b + c
        true -> b - c

  defmacro cond(opts), do: special_form!([opts])

  @doc """
  Pattern matches the result of `expr` against the given clauses.

  For example:

      case Nx.shape(tensor) do
        {_} -> implementation_for_rank_one(tensor)
        {_, _} -> implementation_for_rank_two(tensor)
        _ -> implementation_for_rank_n(tensor)

  Opposite to `cond/2` and `if/2`, which can execute the branching
  in the device, `case`s are always expanded when building the
  expression, and never on the device. This allows `case/2` to work
  very similarly to Elixir's own ``,
  with only the following restrictions in place:

    * `case` inside defn only accepts structs, atoms, integers, and tuples as arguments
    * `case` can match on struct names but not on its fields
    * guards in `case` inside defn can only access variables defined within the pattern

  Here is an example of `case` with guards:

      case Nx.shape(tensor) do
        {x, y} when x > y -> implementation_for_tall(tensor)
        {x, y} when x < y -> implementation_for_wide(tensor)
        {x, x} -> implementation_for_square(tensor)

  defmacro case(expr, do: block),
    do: special_form!([expr, block])

  defp special_form!(_args),
    do: Kernel.raise("special forms must not be imported and exist for documentation purposes")

  @doc """
  Prints the given expression to the terminal.

  It returns the given expressions.

  ### Examples

      defn tanh_grad(t) do
        grad(t, &Nx.tanh/1) |> print_expr()

  When invoked, it will print the expression being built by `defn`:

        parameter a s64
        parameter c s64
        b = tanh [ a ] f64
        d = power [ c, 2 ] s64
        e = add [ b, d ] f64

  def print_expr(expr, opts \\ []) do
    IO.inspect(expr, opts)

  @doc """
  Prints the value at runtime to the terminal.

  This function is implemented on top of `hook/3` and therefore
  has the following restrictions:

    * It can only inspect tensors and `Nx.Container`
    * The return value of this function must be part of the output

  All options are passed to `IO.inspect/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn tanh_grad(t) do
        grad(t, fn t ->
          |> Nx.tanh()
          |> print_value()

      defn tanh_grad(t) do
        grad(t, fn t ->
          |> Nx.tanh()
          |> print_value(label: "tanh")

  def print_value(expr, opts \\ []) do
    hook(expr, &IO.inspect(&1, opts))

  @doc """
  Rewrites the types of `expr` recursively according to `opts`

  ## Options

    * `:max_unsigned_type` - replaces all signed tensors with size
      equal to or greater then the given type by the given type

    * `:max_signed_type` - replaces all signed tensors with size
      equal to or greater then the given type by the given type

    * `:max_float_type` - replaces all float tensors with size
      equal to or greater then the given type by the given type

  ## Examples

      rewrite_types(expr, max_float_type: {:f, 32})

  def rewrite_types(expr, opts) do
    Nx.Defn.Tree.rewrite_types(expr, opts)

  @doc """
  Stops computing the gradient for the given expression.

  It effectively annotates the gradient for the given
  expression is 1.0.

  ## Examples

      expr = stop_grad(expr)

  def stop_grad(expr) do
    Nx.Defn.Expr.metadata(expr, %{stop_grad: true, inspect: :stop_grad})

  @doc """
  Defines a custom gradient for the given expression.

  It expects a `fun` to compute the gradient. The function
  will be called with the expression itself and the current
  gradient. It must return a list of arguments and their
  updated gradient to continue applying `grad` on.

  ## Examples

  For example, if the gradient of `cos(t)` were to be
  implemented by hand:

      def cos(t) do
        custom_grad(Nx.cos(t), fn _ans, g ->
          [{t, -g * Nx.sin(t)}]

  def custom_grad(expr, fun) when is_function(fun, 2) do
    Nx.Defn.Expr.metadata(expr, %{custom_grad: fun, inspect: :custom_grad})

  @doc """
  Element-wise unary plus operator.

  Simply returns the given argument.

  ## Examples

      defn plus_and_minus(a) do
        {+a, -a}

  defnguard(+tensor, :__unary_plus__)

  @doc false
  def __unary_plus__(tensor), do: tensor

  @doc """
  Element-wise unary plus operator.

  It delegates to `Nx.negate/1`.

  ## Examples

      defn plus_and_minus(a) do
        {+a, -a}

  defnguard(-tensor, :__unary_minus__)

  @doc false
  def __unary_minus__(tensor) when is_number(tensor), do: Kernel.-(tensor)
  def __unary_minus__(tensor), do: Nx.negate(tensor)

  @doc """
  Builds a range.

  Ranges are inclusive and both sides must be integers.

  The step of the range is computed based on the first
  and last values of the range.

  ## Examples

      iex> t = Nx.tensor([1, 2, 3])
      iex> t[1..2]
        [2, 3]

  def first..last, do:, last)

  @doc """
  Builds a range with step.

  Ranges are inclusive and both sides must be integers.

  ## Examples

      iex> t = Nx.tensor([1, 2, 3])
      iex> t[1..2//1]
        [2, 3]

  def first..last//step, do:, last, step)

  @doc """
  Element-wise addition operator.

  It delegates to `Nx.add/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn add(a, b) do
        a + b

  def left + right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)), do: Kernel.+(left, right)
  def left + right, do: Nx.add(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise subtraction operator.

  It delegates to `Nx.subtract/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn subtract(a, b) do
        a - b

  def left - right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)), do: Kernel.-(left, right)
  def left - right, do: Nx.subtract(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise multiplication operator.

  It delegates to `Nx.multiply/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn multiply(a, b) do
        a * b

  def left * right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)), do: Kernel.*(left, right)
  def left * right, do: Nx.multiply(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise multiplication operator.

  It delegates to `Nx.power/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn power(a, b) do
        a ** b

  def left ** right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)), do: Kernel.**(left, right)
  def left ** right, do: Nx.power(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise division operator.

  It delegates to `Nx.divide/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn divide(a, b) do
        a / b

  def left / right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)), do: Kernel./(left, right)
  def left / right, do: Nx.divide(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise quotient operator.

  It delegates to `Nx.quotient/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

     defn quotient(a, b) do
       div(a, b)
  def div(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: Kernel.div(left, right)

  def div(left, right), do: Nx.quotient(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise remainder operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.remainder/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn divides_by_5?(a) do
        rem(a, 5)
        |> Nx.any()
        |> Nx.equal(Nx.tensor(1))

  def rem(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: Kernel.rem(left, right)

  def rem(left, right), do: Nx.remainder(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise maximum operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.max/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn min_max(a, b) do
        {min(a, b), max(a, b)}

  def max(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: Kernel.max(left, right)

  def max(left, right), do: Nx.max(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise minimum operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.min/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn min_max(a, b) do
        {min(a, b), max(a, b)}

  def min(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: Kernel.min(left, right)

  def min(left, right), do: Nx.min(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise logical AND operation.

  Zero is considered false, all other numbers
  are considered true.

  It delegates to `Nx.logical_and/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn and_or(a, b) do
        {a and b, a or b}

  defnguard(left and right, :__and__)

  @doc false
  def __and__(left, right) when is_boolean(left), do: __and__(boolean_to_number(left), right)
  def __and__(left, right) when is_boolean(right), do: __and__(left, boolean_to_number(right))

  def __and__(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: logical_and(left, right)

  def __and__(left, right), do: Nx.logical_and(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise logical OR operation.

  Zero is considered false, all other numbers
  are considered true.

  It delegates to `Nx.logical_or/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn and_or(a, b) do
        {a and b, a or b}

  defnguard(left or right, :__or__)

  @doc false
  def __or__(left, right) when is_boolean(left), do: __or__(boolean_to_number(left), right)
  def __or__(left, right) when is_boolean(right), do: __or__(left, boolean_to_number(right))

  def __or__(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: logical_or(left, right)

  def __or__(left, right), do: Nx.logical_or(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise logical NOT operation.

  Zero is considered false, all other numbers
  are considered true.

  It delegates to `Nx.logical_not/1`.

  ## Examples

      defn logical_not(a), do: not a

  defnguard(not tensor, :__not__)

  @doc false
  def __not__(value) when is_boolean(value), do: to_constant(Kernel.not(value))
  def __not__(tensor) when is_number(tensor), do: logical_not(tensor)
  def __not__(tensor), do: Nx.logical_not(tensor)

  defp logical_and(l, _) when Kernel.==(l, 0), do: zero()
  defp logical_and(_, r) when Kernel.==(r, 0), do: zero()
  defp logical_and(_, _), do: one()

  defp logical_or(l, r) when Kernel.and(Kernel.==(l, 0), Kernel.==(r, 0)), do: zero()
  defp logical_or(_, _), do: one()

  defp logical_not(0), do: one()
  defp logical_not(0.0), do: one()
  defp logical_not(_), do: zero()

  defp zero(), do: Nx.tensor(0, type: {:u, 8})
  defp one(), do: Nx.tensor(1, type: {:u, 8})

  @doc """
  Element-wise bitwise AND operation.

  Only integer tensors are supported.
  It delegates to `Nx.bitwise_and/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn and_or(a, b) do
        {a &&& b, a ||| b}

  def left &&& right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: Bitwise.&&&(left, right)

  def left &&& right, do: Nx.bitwise_and(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise bitwise OR operation.

  Only integer tensors are supported.
  It delegates to `Nx.bitwise_or/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn and_or(a, b) do
        {a &&& b, a ||| b}

  def left ||| right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: Bitwise.|||(left, right)

  def left ||| right, do: Nx.bitwise_or(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise bitwise not operation.

  Only integer tensors are supported.
  It delegates to `Nx.bitwise_not/1`.

  ## Examples

      defn bnot(a), do: ~~~a

  def ~~~tensor when is_number(tensor), do: Bitwise.~~~(tensor)
  def ~~~tensor, do: Nx.bitwise_not(tensor)

  @doc """
  Element-wise left shift operation.

  Only integer tensors are supported.
  It delegates to `Nx.left_shift/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn shift_left_and_right(a, b) do
        {a <<< b, a >>> b}

  def left <<< right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: Bitwise.<<<(left, right)

  def left <<< right, do: Nx.left_shift(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise right shift operation.

  Only integer tensors are supported.
  It delegates to `Nx.right_shift/2` (supports broadcasting).

  ## Examples

      defn shift_left_and_right(a, b) do
        {a <<< b, a >>> b}

  def left >>> right when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: Bitwise.>>>(left, right)

  def left >>> right, do: Nx.right_shift(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise equality operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.equal/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn check_equality(a, b) do
        a == b

  defnguard(left == right, :__equal__)

  @doc false
  def __equal__(left, right) when is_boolean(left), do: __equal__(boolean_to_number(left), right)
  def __equal__(left, right) when is_boolean(right), do: __equal__(left, boolean_to_number(right))

  def __equal__(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: to_constant(Kernel.==(left, right))

  def __equal__(left, right), do: Nx.equal(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise inequality operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.not_equal/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn check_inequality(a, b) do
        a != b

  defnguard(left != right, :__not_equal__)

  @doc false
  def __not_equal__(left, right) when is_boolean(left),
    do: __not_equal__(boolean_to_number(left), right)

  def __not_equal__(left, right) when is_boolean(right),
    do: __not_equal__(left, boolean_to_number(right))

  def __not_equal__(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: to_constant(Kernel.!=(left, right))

  def __not_equal__(left, right), do: Nx.not_equal(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise less than operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.less/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn check_less_than(a, b) do
        a < b

  defnguard(left < right, :__less_than__)

  @doc false
  def __less_than__(left, right) when is_boolean(left),
    do: __less_than__(boolean_to_number(left), right)

  def __less_than__(left, right) when is_boolean(right),
    do: __less_than__(left, boolean_to_number(right))

  def __less_than__(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: to_constant(Kernel.<(left, right))

  def __less_than__(left, right), do: Nx.less(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise greater than operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.greater/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn check_greater_than(a, b) do
        a > b

  defnguard(left > right, :__more_than__)

  @doc false
  def __more_than__(left, right) when is_boolean(left),
    do: __more_than__(boolean_to_number(left), right)

  def __more_than__(left, right) when is_boolean(right),
    do: __more_than__(left, boolean_to_number(right))

  def __more_than__(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: to_constant(Kernel.>(left, right))

  def __more_than__(left, right), do: Nx.greater(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise less-equal operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.less_equal/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn check_less_equal(a, b) do
        a <= b

  defnguard(left <= right, :__less_than_equal_to__)

  @doc false
  def __less_than_equal_to__(left, right) when is_boolean(left),
    do: __less_than_equal_to__(boolean_to_number(left), right)

  def __less_than_equal_to__(left, right) when is_boolean(right),
    do: __less_than_equal_to__(left, boolean_to_number(right))

  def __less_than_equal_to__(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: to_constant(Kernel.<=(left, right))

  def __less_than_equal_to__(left, right), do: Nx.less_equal(left, right)

  @doc """
  Element-wise greater-equal operation.

  It delegates to `Nx.greater_equal/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn check_greater_equal(a, b) do
        a >= b

  defnguard(left >= right, :__more_than_equal_to__)

  @doc false
  def __more_than_equal_to__(left, right) when is_boolean(left),
    do: __more_than_equal_to__(boolean_to_number(left), right)

  def __more_than_equal_to__(left, right) when is_boolean(right),
    do: __more_than_equal_to__(left, boolean_to_number(right))

  def __more_than_equal_to__(left, right) when Kernel.and(is_number(left), is_number(right)),
    do: to_constant(Kernel.>=(left, right))

  def __more_than_equal_to__(left, right), do: Nx.greater_equal(left, right)

  defp to_constant(true), do: one()
  defp to_constant(false), do: zero()

  defp boolean_to_number(true), do: 1
  defp boolean_to_number(false), do: 0
  defp boolean_to_number(value), do: value

  @doc """
  Ensures the first argument is a `keyword` with the given
  keys and default values.

  The second argument must be a list of atoms, specifying
  a given key, or tuples specifying a key and a default value.
  If any of the keys in the `keyword` is not defined on
  `values`, it raises an error.

  This does not validate required keys. For such, use `assert_keys/2`

  This is equivalent to Elixir's `Keyword.validate!/2`.

  ## Examples

      iex> keyword!([], [one: 1, two: 2]) |> Enum.sort()
      [one: 1, two: 2]

      iex> keyword!([two: 3], [one: 1, two: 2]) |> Enum.sort()
      [one: 1, two: 3]

  If atoms are given, they are supported as keys but do not
  provide a default value:

      iex> keyword!([], [:one, two: 2]) |> Enum.sort()
      [two: 2]

      iex> keyword!([one: 1], [:one, two: 2]) |> Enum.sort()
      [one: 1, two: 2]

  Passing an unknown key raises:

      iex> keyword!([three: 3], [one: 1, two: 2])
      ** (ArgumentError) unknown key :three in [three: 3], expected one of [:one, :two]

  def keyword!(keyword, values) when Kernel.and(is_list(keyword), is_list(values)) do
    # We use two lists to avoid reversing/concatenating
    # lists in the middle of traversals.
    case keyword!(keyword, values, [], []) do
      {:ok, keyword} ->

      error ->
        keys =
          for value <- values,
              do: Kernel.if(is_atom(value), do: value, else: Kernel.elem(value, 0))

        case error do
          {:badkey, key} ->
              "unknown key #{Kernel.inspect(key)} in #{Kernel.inspect(keyword)}, expected one of #{Kernel.inspect(keys)}"

          :badkey ->
              "expected a keyword list with keys #{Kernel.inspect(keys)}, got: #{Kernel.inspect(keyword)}"

  defp keyword!([{key, _} = pair | keyword], values1, values2, acc) when is_atom(key) do
    case find_key!(key, values1, values2) do
      {values1, values2} ->
        keyword!(keyword, values1, values2, [pair | acc])

      :error ->
        case find_key!(key, values2, values1) do
          {values1, values2} ->
            keyword!(keyword, values1, values2, [pair | acc])

          :error ->
            {:badkey, key}

  defp keyword!([], values1, values2, acc) do
    {:ok, move_pairs!(values1, move_pairs!(values2, acc))}

  defp keyword!(_keyword, _values1, _values2, _acc) do

  defp find_key!(key, [key | rest], acc), do: {rest, acc}
  defp find_key!(key, [{key, _} | rest], acc), do: {rest, acc}
  defp find_key!(key, [head | tail], acc), do: find_key!(key, tail, [head | acc])
  defp find_key!(_key, [], _acc), do: :error

  defp move_pairs!([key | rest], acc) when is_atom(key),
    do: move_pairs!(rest, acc)

  defp move_pairs!([{key, _} = pair | rest], acc) when is_atom(key),
    do: move_pairs!(rest, [pair | acc])

  defp move_pairs!([], acc),
    do: acc

  defp move_pairs!([other | _], _) do
      "keyword!/2 expects the second argument to be a list of atoms or tuples, got: #{Kernel.inspect(other)}"

  @doc """
  Pipes the argument on the left to the function call on the right.

  It delegates to `Kernel.|>/2`.

  ## Examples

      defn exp_sum(t) do
        |> Nx.exp()
        |> Nx.sum()

  defmacro left |> right do
    quote do: Kernel.|>(unquote(left), unquote(right))

  @doc """
  Provides if/else expressions.

  The first argument must be a scalar. Zero is considered false,
  any other number is considered true. The booleans `false` and
  `true` are supported, but any other value will raise.

  The second argument is a keyword list with `do` and `else`
  blocks. The sides are broadcast to return the same shape
  and normalized to return the same type.

  ## Examples

      if Nx.any(Nx.equal(t, 0)) do
        1 / t

  In case else is not given, it is assumed to be 0 with the
  same as the do clause. If you want to nest multiple conditionals,
  see `cond/1` instead.
  defmacro if(pred, do_else)

  defmacro if(pred, do: on_true) do
    quote do
      pred = unquote(pred)

      cond do
        pred -> unquote(on_true)
        true -> 0

  defmacro if(pred, do: on_true, else: on_false) do
    quote do
      pred = unquote(pred)

      cond do
        pred -> unquote(on_true)
        true -> unquote(on_false)

  defmacro if(_pred, other) do
      "expected second argument to \"if\" to be a do/else block, got: #{Macro.to_string(other)}"

  @doc """
  Defines a `while` loop.

  It expects the `initial` arguments, a `condition` expression, and
  a `block`:

      while initial, condition do

  `condition` must return a scalar tensor where 0 is false and any
  other number is true. The given `block` will be executed while
  `condition` is true. Each invocation of `block` must return a
  value in the same shape as `initial` arguments.

  `while` will return the value of the last execution of `block`.
  If `block` is never executed because the initial `condition` is
  false, it returns `initial`.

  ## Examples

  A simple loop that increments `x` until it is `10` can be written as:

      while x = 0, Nx.less(x, 10) do
        x + 1

  However, it is important to note that all variables you intend
  to use inside the "while" must be explicitly given as argument
  to "while". For example, imagine the amount we want to increment
  by in the example above is given by a variable `y`. The following
  example is invalid:

      while x = 0, Nx.less(x, 10) do
        x + y

  Instead, both `x` and `y` must be passed as variables to `while`:

      while {x = 0, y}, Nx.less(x, 10) do
        {x + y, y}

  Similarly, to compute the factorial of `x` using `while`:

        defn factorial(x) do
          {factorial, _} =
            while {factorial = 1, x}, Nx.greater(x, 1) do
              {factorial * x, x - 1}


  defmacro while(initial, condition, do: block) do
    {pattern, {vars, values}} = while_arg(initial, {[], []})

    quote do
      {unquote_splicing(vars)} = {unquote_splicing(values)}

        fn unquote(pattern) -> unquote(condition) end,
        fn unquote(pattern) -> unquote(block) end

  defmacro while(_var, _cond, other) do
      "expected third argument to \"while\" to be a do-block, got: #{Macro.to_string(other)}"

  @doc false
  defdelegate __while__(file, line, pattern, condition, block), to: Nx.Defn.Expr, as: :defn_while

  defp while_arg({left, right}, prelude) do
    {left, prelude} = while_arg(left, prelude)
    {right, prelude} = while_arg(right, prelude)
    {{left, right}, prelude}

  defp while_arg({:{}, meta, args}, prelude) do
    {args, prelude} = Enum.map_reduce(args, prelude, &while_arg/2)
    {{:{}, meta, args}, prelude}

  defp while_arg({:=, _meta, [{name, meta, ctx} = var, value]}, {vars, values})
       when Kernel.and(is_atom(name), is_atom(ctx)) do
    {{name, [generated: true] ++ meta, ctx}, {[var | vars], [value | values]}}

  defp while_arg({name, meta, ctx}, prelude)
       when Kernel.and(is_atom(name), is_atom(ctx)) do
    {{name, [generated: true] ++ meta, ctx}, prelude}

  defp while_arg(other, _prelude) do
    Kernel.raise(ArgumentError, """
    invalid initial argument for \"while\". Expected a variable, a variable assignment, \
    or a tuple of the same. For example:

        while x = 0, Nx.less(x, 10) do
          x + 1

    Or when using tuples:

        x = 0

        {x, y} =
          while {x, y = 10}, Nx.not_equal(x, y) do
            {x + 1, y - 1}

    Got: #{Macro.to_string(other)}

  @doc """
  Pipes `value` to the given `fun` and returns the `value` itself.

  Useful for running synchronous side effects in a pipeline.

  ## Examples

  Let's suppose you want to inspect an expression in the middle of
  a pipeline. You could write:

      |> Nx.add(b)
      |> tap(&print_expr/1)
      |> Nx.multiply(c)

  defmacro tap(value, fun) do
    quote bind_quoted: [fun: fun, value: value] do
      _ = fun.(value)

  @doc """
  Pipes `value` into the given `fun`.

  In other words, it invokes `fun` with `value` as argument.
  This is most commonly used in pipelines, allowing you
  to pipe a value to a function outside of its first argument.

  ### Examples

      |> Nx.add(b)
      |> then(&Nx.subtract(c, &1))

  defmacro then(value, fun) do
    quote do

  @doc """
  Gets the element at the zero-based index in tuple.

  It raises ArgumentError when index is negative or it
  is out of range of the tuple elements.

  ## Examples

      iex> tuple = {1, 2, 3}
      iex> elem(tuple, 0)

  def elem(tuple, index), do: :erlang.element(Kernel.+(index, 1), tuple)

  @doc """
  Reads a module attribute at compilation time.

  It is useful to inject code constants into `defn`.
  It delegates to `Kernel.@/1`.

  ## Examples

      @two_per_two Nx.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
      defn add_2x2_attribute(t), do: t + @two_per_two

  defmacro @expr do
    quote do: Kernel.@(unquote(expr))

  @doc """
  Shortcut for `hook/3`.
  def hook(expr, name_or_function)

  def hook(expr, name) when is_atom(name),
    do: unguarded_hook(expr, name, nil)

  def hook(expr, function) when is_function(function, 1),
    do: unguarded_hook(expr, random_hook_name(), function)

  @doc """
  Defines a hook.

  Hooks are a mechanism to execute an anonymous function for
  side-effects with runtime tensor values.

  Let's see an example:

      defmodule Hooks do
        import Nx.Defn

        defn add_and_mult(a, b) do
          add = hook(a + b, fn tensor -> IO.inspect({:add, tensor}) end)
          mult = hook(a * b, fn tensor -> IO.inspect({:mult, tensor}) end)
          {add, mult}

  Note a hook can only access the variables passed as arguments
  to the hook. It cannot access any other variable defined in
  `defn` outside of the hook.

  The `defn` above defines two hooks, one is called with the
  value of `a + b` and another with `a * b`. Once you invoke
  the function above, you should see this printed:

      Hooks.add_and_mult(2, 3)
      {:add, #Nx.Tensor<
      {:mult, #Nx.Tensor<

  In other words, the `hook` function accepts a tensor
  expression as argument and it will invoke a custom
  function with a tensor value at runtime. `hook` returns
  the result of the given expression. The expression can
  be any tensor or a `Nx.Container`.

  Note **you must return the result of the `hook` call**.
  For example, the code below won't inspect the `:add`
  tuple, because the hook is not returned from `defn`:

      defn add_and_mult(a, b) do
        _add = hook(a + b, fn tensor -> IO.inspect({:add, tensor}) end)
        mult = hook(a * b, fn tensor -> IO.inspect({:mult, tensor}) end)

  We will learn how to hook into a value that is not part
  of the result in the "Hooks and tokens" section.

  ## Named hooks

  It is possible to give names to the hooks. This allows them
  to be defined or overridden by calling `Nx.Defn.jit/2` or
  ``. Let's see an example:

      defmodule Hooks do
        import Nx.Defn

        defn add_and_mult(a, b) do
          add = hook(a + b, :hooks_add)
          mult = hook(a * b, :hooks_mult)
          {add, mult}

  Now you can pass the hook as argument as follows:

      hooks = %{
        hooks_add: fn tensor ->
          IO.inspect {:add, tensor}

      fun = Nx.Defn.jit(&Hooks.add_and_mult/2, hooks: hooks)
      fun.(Nx.tensor(2), Nx.tensor(3))

  > **Important!** We recommend to prefix your hook names
  > by the name of your project to avoid conflicts.

  If a named hook is not given, compilers can optimize
  that away and not transfer the tensor from the device
  in the first place.

  You can also mix named hooks with callbacks:

      defn add_and_mult(a, b) do
        add = hook(a + b, :hooks_add, fn tensor -> IO.inspect({:add, tensor}) end)
        mult = hook(a * b, :hooks_mult, fn tensor -> IO.inspect({:mult, tensor}) end)
        {add, mult}

  If a hook with the same name is given to `Nx.Defn.jit/2`
  or ``, then it will override the default

  ## Hooks and tokens

  So far, we have always returned the result of the `hook`
  call. However, what happens if the values we want to
  hook are not part of the return value, such as below?

      defn add_and_mult(a, b) do
        _add = hook(a + b, :hooks_add, &IO.inspect({:add, &1}))
        mult = hook(a * b, :hooks_mult, &IO.inspect({:mult, &1}))

  In such cases, you must use tokens. Tokens are used to
  create an ordering over hooks, ensuring hooks execute
  in a certain sequence:

      defn add_and_mult(a, b) do
        token = create_token()
        {token, _add} = hook_token(token, a + b, :hooks_add, &IO.inspect({:add, &1}))
        {token, mult} = hook_token(token, a * b, :hooks_mult, &IO.inspect({:mult, &1}))
        attach_token(token, mult)

  The example above creates a token and uses `hook_token/4`
  to create hooks attached to their respective tokens. By using a token,
  we guarantee that those hooks will be invoked in the order
  in which they were defined. Then, at the end of the function,
  we attach the token (and its associated hooks) to the result `mult`.

  In fact, the `hook/3` function is implemented roughly like this:

      def hook(tensor_expr, name, function) do
        {token, result} = hook_token(create_token(), tensor_expr, name, function)
        attach_token(token, result)

  Note you must attach the token at the end, otherwise the hooks
  will be "lost", as if they were not defined. This also applies
  to conditionals and loops. The token must be attached within
  the branch they are used. For example, this won't work:

      token = create_token()

      {token, result} =
        if Nx.any(value) do
          hook_token(token, some_value)
          hook_token(token, another_value)


  Instead, you must write:

      token = create_token()

      if Nx.any(value) do
        {token, result} = hook_token(token, some_value)
        attach_token(token, result)
        {token, result} = hook_token(token, another_value)
        attach_token(token, result)

  def hook(expr, name, function) when Kernel.and(is_atom(name), is_function(function, 1)),
    do: unguarded_hook(expr, name, function)

  defp unguarded_hook(expr, name, function) do
    {token, result} = Nx.Defn.Expr.add_hook(create_token(), expr, name, function)
    attach_token(token, result)

  @doc """
  Shortcut for `hook_token/4`.
  def hook_token(token, expr, name_or_function)

  def hook_token(%Nx.Defn.Token{} = token, expr, name) when is_atom(name),
    do: Nx.Defn.Expr.add_hook(token, expr, name, nil)

  def hook_token(%Nx.Defn.Token{} = token, expr, function) when is_function(function, 1),
    do: Nx.Defn.Expr.add_hook(token, expr, random_hook_name(), function)

  @doc """
  Defines a hook with an existing token. See `hook/3`.
  def hook_token(%Nx.Defn.Token{} = token, expr, name, function)
      when Kernel.and(is_atom(name), is_function(function, 1)),
      do: Nx.Defn.Expr.add_hook(token, expr, name, function)

  defp random_hook_name(), do: :"hook_#{System.unique_integer([:positive])}"

  @doc """
  Creates a token for hooks. See `hook/3`.
  def create_token do

  @doc """
  Attaches a token to an expression. See `hook/3`.
  def attach_token(%Nx.Defn.Token{} = token, expr) do
    Nx.Defn.Expr.attach_token(token, expr)

  @doc """
  Asserts the keyword list has the given keys.

  If it succeeds, it returns the given keyword list. Raises
  an error otherwise.

  ## Examples

  To assert the tensor is a scalar, you can pass the empty tuple `shape`:

      iex> assert_keys([one: 1, two: 2], [:one, :two])
      [one: 1, two: 2]

  If the keys are not available, an error is raised:

      iex> assert_keys([one: 1, two: 2], [:three])
      ** (ArgumentError) expected key :three in keyword list, got: [one: 1, two: 2]

  def assert_keys(keyword, keys) when Kernel.and(is_list(keyword), is_list(keys)) do
    for key <- keys, Kernel.not(Keyword.has_key?(keyword, key)) do
        "expected key #{Kernel.inspect(key)} in keyword list, got: #{Kernel.inspect(keyword)}"


  @doc """
  Raises a runtime exception with the given `message`.

  See `raise/2` for more information on exceptions inside `defn`.
  # It needs to be a macro so we don't add stacktrace entries.
  # Since there is no defdelegate for macros, we do it manually.
  defmacro raise(message) do
    quote do

  @doc ~S"""
  Raises an `exception` with the given `arguments`.

  `raise/2` is invoked while building the numerical expression,
  not inside the device. This means that `raise` may be invoked
  on unexpected situations, as we build the numerical expression.
  To better understand those cases, let's see some examples.

  First, let's start with a valid use case for `raise/2`: raise
  on mismatched shapes. Inside `defn`, we know the tensor shapes
  and types, but not their values, so we can assert on the shape
  while building the numerical expression:

      defn square_shape(tensor) do
        case Nx.shape(tensor) do
          {n, n} -> n
          shape -> raise ArgumentError, "expected a square tensor: #{inspect(shape)}"

  In the example above, only the matching branch of the case is executed,
  so if you give it a 2x2 tensor, it will return 2. However, if you give
  it a non-square tensor, it will raise.

  Now consider this code:

      defn some_check(a, b) do
        if a != b do
          a * b
          raise "expected different tensors, got: #{inspect(a)} and #{inspect(b)}"

  In this case, both `a` and `b` are tensors and we are comparing their values.
  However, their values are unknown, which means we need to convert the whole
  `if` to a numerical expression and run it on the device. However, once we
  convert the `else` branch, it will execute `raise/2`, making it so the code
  above always raises!

  In such cases, there are no alternatives. We can't execute exceptions in the
  CPU/GPU, so you need to approach the problem under a different perspective.
  defmacro raise(exception, arguments) do
    quote do
      Elixir.Kernel.raise(unquote(exception), unquote(arguments))

  @doc ~S"""
  Converts the given expression into a string.

  `inspect/2` is used to convert expressions into strings, typically
  to be used as part of error messages. If you want to inspect for
  debugging, consider using `print_expr/2`, to print the underlying
  expression, or `print_value/2` to print the value during execution.

      defn square_shape(tensor) do
        case Nx.shape(tensor) do
          {n, n} -> n
          shape -> raise ArgumentError, "expected a square tensor: #{inspect(shape)}"
  def inspect(expr, opts \\ []) do
    Kernel.inspect(expr, opts)

  @doc """
  Concatenates two strings.

  Equivalent to `Kernel.<>/2`.
  defmacro left <> right do
    quote do
      Elixir.Kernel.<>(unquote(left), unquote(right))

  @doc false
  # TODO: Deprecate this in Nx v0.4
  # @deprecated "use deftransform/2 or deftransformp/2 from Nx.Defn instead"
  def transform(arg, fun) when is_function(fun, 1) do

  @doc false
  @deprecated "Use print_expr/2 instead"
  def inspect_expr(expr, opts \\ []) do
    IO.inspect(expr, opts)

  @doc false
  @deprecated "Use print_value/2 instead"
  def inspect_value(expr, opts \\ []) do
    hook(expr, &IO.inspect(&1, opts))

  @doc false
  @deprecated "Use case+raise instead"
  def assert_shape(tensor, shape) when is_tuple(shape) do
    case Nx.shape(tensor) do
      ^shape ->

      other ->
          "expected tensor to #{shape_to_string(shape)}, got tensor with shape #{Kernel.inspect(other)}"

  defp shape_to_string({}), do: "be a scalar"
  defp shape_to_string(shape), do: "have shape #{Kernel.inspect(shape)}"

  @doc false
  @deprecated "Use case+raise instead"
  defmacro assert_shape_pattern(tensor, shape) do
    shape_pattern_string = shape_pattern_to_string(shape)

    quote do
      tensor = unquote(tensor)

      case Nx.shape(tensor) do
        unquote(shape) ->

        shape ->
          raise ArgumentError,
                "expected tensor to #{unquote(shape_pattern_string)}, got tensor with shape #{Nx.Defn.Kernel.inspect(shape)}"

  defp shape_pattern_to_string({:{}, _, []}), do: "be a scalar"
  defp shape_pattern_to_string(pattern), do: "match shape #{Macro.to_string(pattern)}"

  @definitions (Module.definitions_in(__MODULE__, :def) ++
                  Module.definitions_in(__MODULE__, :defmacro)) --
                   alias: 1,
                   alias: 2,
                   import: 1,
                   import: 2,
                   require: 1,
                   require: 2,
                   case: 2,
                   cond: 1

  @doc false
  defmacro __using__(_opts) do
    quote do
      import Kernel, only: []
      import Nx.Defn.Kernel, only: unquote(Kernel.@(definitions))
      alias Nx.Defn.Kernel, as: Kernel