
defmodule OAuth2.AccessToken do
  @moduledoc """
  This module defines the `OAuth2.AccessToken` struct and provides functionality
  to make authorized requests to an OAuth2 provider using the AccessToken
  returned by the provider.

  The `OAuth2.AccessToken` struct is created for you when you use the

  import OAuth2.Util

  alias OAuth2.AccessToken

  @standard ["access_token", "refresh_token", "expires_in", "token_type"]

  @type access_token :: binary
  @type refresh_token :: binary | nil
  @type expires_at :: integer
  @type token_type :: binary
  @type other_params :: %{binary => binary}
  @type body :: binary | map | list

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          access_token: access_token,
          refresh_token: refresh_token,
          expires_at: expires_at,
          token_type: token_type,
          other_params: other_params

  defstruct access_token: "",
            refresh_token: nil,
            expires_at: nil,
            token_type: "Bearer",
            other_params: %{}

  @doc """
  Returns a new `OAuth2.AccessToken` struct given the access token `string` or a response `map`.

  Note if giving a map, please be sure to make the key a `string` no an `atom`.

  This is used by `OAuth2.Client.get_token/4` to create the `OAuth2.AccessToken` struct.

  ### Example

      %OAuth2.AccessToken{access_token: "abc123", expires_at: nil, other_params: %{}, refresh_token: nil, token_type: "Bearer"}

      iex>{"access_token" => "abc123"})
      %OAuth2.AccessToken{access_token: "abc123", expires_at: nil, other_params: %{}, refresh_token: nil, token_type: "Bearer"}
  @spec new(binary) :: t
  def new(token) when is_binary(token) do
    new(%{"access_token" => token})

  @spec new(%{binary => binary}) :: t
  def new(response) when is_map(response) do
    {std, other} = Map.split(response, @standard)

      access_token: std["access_token"],
      refresh_token: std["refresh_token"],
      expires_at: (std["expires_in"] || other["expires"]) |> expires_at,
      token_type: std["token_type"] |> normalize_token_type(),
      other_params: other

  @doc """
  Determines if the access token will expire or not.

  Returns `true` unless `expires_at` is `nil`.
  @spec expires?(AccessToken.t()) :: boolean
  def expires?(%AccessToken{expires_at: nil} = _token), do: false
  def expires?(_), do: true

  @doc """
  Determines if the access token has expired.
  def expired?(token) do
    expires?(token) && unix_now() > token.expires_at

  @doc """
  Returns a unix timestamp based on now + expires_at (in seconds).
  def expires_at(nil), do: nil

  def expires_at(val) when is_binary(val) do
    |> Integer.parse()
    |> elem(0)
    |> expires_at

  def expires_at(int), do: unix_now() + int

  defp normalize_token_type(nil), do: "Bearer"
  defp normalize_token_type("bearer"), do: "Bearer"
  defp normalize_token_type(string), do: string