# OauthMockServer

**Server for mocking OAuth/SSO requests using predefined responses**

Currently, only mocks ADFS SSO responses with barebones data

Supported endpoint:
- `/adfs/metadata.xml`: Returns a barebones metadata.xml with only the public signing certificate node present
- `/adfs/oauth2/authorize`: Returns an empty `200` response
- `/adfs/oauth2/authorize?redirect_uri=URI`: Redirects to the callback url, with an authorization code attached
- `/adfs/oauth2/token?code={value}`: Returns an encoded `{"sub" => "value"}` claim in a JWT, where "value" is equal to the value of the `code` param

Add the param `user=value` or `client_id=value` to the authorize endpoint to use that value as the authorization code when redirecting.

Claims can be decoded with the public signing certificate

## Configuration

# Run the server on port 54345, add to startup children
{OauthMockServer, port: 54345}

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `oauth_mock_server` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:oauth_mock_server, "~> 0.1.0"}


def deps do
      git: "", only: [:dev, :test]}