
defmodule Oban.Migrations do
  @moduledoc """
  Migrations create and modify the database tables Oban needs to function.

  ## Usage

  To use migrations in your application you'll need to generate an `Ecto.Migration` that wraps
  calls to `Oban.Migrations`:

  mix ecto.gen.migration add_oban

  Open the generated migration in your editor and call the `up` and `down` functions on

  defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddOban do
    use Ecto.Migration

    def up, do: Oban.Migrations.up()

    def down, do: Oban.Migrations.down()

  This will run all of Oban's versioned migrations for your database. Migrations between versions
  are idempotent. As new versions are released you may need to run additional migrations.

  Now, run the migration to create the table:

  mix ecto.migrate

  ## Isolation with Prefixes

  Oban supports namespacing through PostgreSQL schemas, also called "prefixes" in Ecto. With
  prefixes your jobs table can reside outside of your primary schema (usually public) and you can
  have multiple separate job tables.

  To use a prefix you first have to specify it within your migration:

  defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddPrefixedObanJobsTable do
    use Ecto.Migration

    def up, do: Oban.Migrations.up(prefix: "private")

    def down, do: Oban.Migrations.down(prefix: "private")

  The migration will create the "private" schema and all tables, functions and triggers within
  that schema. With the database migrated you'll then specify the prefix in your configuration:

  config :my_app, Oban,
    prefix: "private",

  In some cases, for example if your "private" schema already exists and your database user in
  production doesn't have permissions to create a new schema, trying to create the schema from the
  migration will result in an error. In such situations, it may be useful to inhibit the creation
  of the "private" schema:

  defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.AddPrefixedObanJobsTable do
    use Ecto.Migration

    def up, do: Oban.Migrations.up(prefix: "private", create_schema: false)

    def down, do: Oban.Migrations.down(prefix: "private")

  use Ecto.Migration

  alias Oban.{Config, Repo}

  @initial_version 1
  @current_version 11
  @default_prefix "public"

  @doc """
  Run the `up` changes for all migrations between the initial version and the current version.

  ## Example

  Run all migrations up to the current version:


  Run migrations up to a specified version:

      Oban.Migrations.up(version: 2)

  Run migrations in an alternate prefix:

      Oban.Migrations.up(prefix: "payments")

  Run migrations in an alternate prefix but don't try to create the schema:

      Oban.Migrations.up(prefix: "payments", create_schema: false)
  def up(opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do
    prefix = Keyword.get(opts, :prefix, @default_prefix)
    version = Keyword.get(opts, :version, @current_version)
    create_schema = Keyword.get(opts, :create_schema, prefix != "public")
    initial = migrated_version(repo(), prefix)

    cond do
      initial == 0 ->
        change(@initial_version..version, :up, %{prefix: prefix, create_schema: create_schema})

      initial < version ->
        change((initial + 1)..version, :up, %{prefix: prefix})

      true ->

  @doc """
  Run the `down` changes for all migrations between the current version and the initial version.

  ## Example

  Run all migrations from current version down to the first:


  Run migrations down to a specified version:

      Oban.Migrations.down(version: 5)

  Run migrations in an alternate prefix:

      Oban.Migrations.down(prefix: "payments")
  def down(opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do
    prefix = Keyword.get(opts, :prefix, @default_prefix)
    version = Keyword.get(opts, :version, @initial_version)
    initial = max(migrated_version(repo(), prefix), @initial_version)

    if initial >= version do
      change(initial..version, :down, %{prefix: prefix})

  @doc false
  def initial_version, do: @initial_version

  @doc false
  def current_version, do: @current_version

  @doc false
  def migrated_version(repo, prefix) do
    query = """
    SELECT description
    FROM pg_class
    LEFT JOIN pg_description ON pg_description.objoid = pg_class.oid
    LEFT JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
    WHERE pg_class.relname = 'oban_jobs'
    AND pg_namespace.nspname = '#{prefix}'

    conf = repo, prefix: prefix)

    case Repo.query(conf, query) do
      {:ok, %{rows: [[version]]}} when is_binary(version) -> String.to_integer(version)
      _ -> 0

  defp change(range, direction, opts) do
    for index <- range do
      pad_idx = String.pad_leading(to_string(index), 2, "0")

      [__MODULE__, "V#{pad_idx}"]
      |> Module.concat()
      |> apply(direction, [opts])

    case direction do
      :up -> record_version(opts, Enum.max(range))
      :down -> record_version(opts, Enum.min(range) - 1)

  defp record_version(_opts, 0), do: :ok

  defp record_version(%{prefix: prefix}, version) do
    execute "COMMENT ON TABLE #{prefix}.oban_jobs IS '#{version}'"