
defmodule Oban.Peer do
  @moduledoc """
  The `Peer` module maintains leadership for a particular Oban instance within a cluster.

  Leadership is used by plugins, primarily, to prevent duplicate work across nodes. For example,
  only the leader's `Cron` plugin will try inserting new jobs. You can use peer leadership to
  extend Oban with custom plugins, or even within your own application.

  Note a few important details about how peer leadership operates:

  * Each peer checks for leadership at a 30 second interval. When the leader exits it broadcasts a
    message to all other peers to encourage another one to assume leadership.

  * Each Oban instance supervises a distinct `Oban.Peer` instance. That means that with multiple
    Oban instances on the same node one instance may be the leader, while the others aren't.

  * Without leadership, global plugins (Cron, Lifeline, Stager, etc.), will not run on any node.

  ## Available Peer Implementations

  There are two built-in peering modules:

  * `Oban.Peers.Postgres` — uses table-based leadership through the `oban_peers` table and works
    in any environment, with or without clustering. Only one node (per instance name) will have a
    row in the peers table, that node is the leader. This is the default.

  * `Oban.Peers.Global` — coordinates global locks through distributed Erlang, requires
    distributed Erlang.

  You can specify the peering module to use in your Oban configuration:

      config :my_app, Oban,
        peer: Oban.Peers.Postgres, # default value

  If in doubt, you can call `Oban.config()` to see which module is being used.

  ## Examples

  Check leadership for the default Oban instance:

      # => true

  That is identical to using the name `Oban`:

      # => true

  Check leadership for a couple of instances:

      # => true

      # => false

  alias Oban.{Config, Registry}

  require Logger

  @type option ::
          {:name, module()}
          | {:conf, Config.t()}
          | {:interval, timeout()}

  @doc """
  Starts a peer instance.
  @callback start_link([option()]) :: GenServer.on_start()

  @doc """
  Check whether the current peer instance leads the cluster.
  @callback leader?(Config.t() | GenServer.server()) :: boolean()

  @doc false
  @spec child_spec(Keyword.t()) :: Supervisor.child_spec()
  def child_spec(opts) do
    %{peer: {peer, peer_opts}} = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :conf)

    opts =
      |> Keyword.merge(peer_opts)
      |> Keyword.put_new(:name, peer)

    %{id: opts[:name], start: {peer, :start_link, [opts]}}

  @doc """
  Check whether the current instance leads the cluster.

  ## Example

  Check leadership for the default Oban instance:

      # => true

  Check leadership for an alternate instance named `Oban.Private`:

      # => true
  @spec leader?(Config.t() | GenServer.server()) :: boolean()
  def leader?(conf_or_name \\ Oban, timeout \\ 5_000)

  def leader?(%Config{name: name, peer: {peer, _}}, timeout) do
    case Registry.whereis(name, Oban.Peer) do
      pid when is_pid(pid) ->
        peer.leader?(pid, timeout)

      nil ->
    :exit, {:timeout, _} = reason ->
      Logger.warning("Oban.Peer.leader?/2 check failed due to #{inspect(reason)}.")


  def leader?(name, timeout) do
    |> Oban.config()
    |> leader?(timeout)