Static Site Generator written in Elixir.
## Goals
* **Fast**. Static websites can take a long time to generate when they start to grow large.
obelisk should take advantage of Elixir's multithreaded behaviour to increase this speed.
* **Simple, Obvious**. It should be very straight forward to add new content and modify the
way that your site works.
* **Templatable**. It should be possible to store templates in github repos and reference them
directly, allowing modification of the look and feel of a site instantaneously with no manual
## Creating a new obelisk project
To create a new obelisk project, we use `mix`
$ mix new blog
We then modify our dependencies within `mix.exs` to include obelisk, as well as the Erlang
library yamerl.
defp deps do
[{ :obelisk, "~> 0.2.1" },
{ :yamerl, github: "yakaz/yamerl"]
Next we need to download obelisk and compile it
$ mix deps.get
$ mix deps.compile
Now for the fun stuff, we can initialize our obelisk project
$ mix obelisk init
We can build our obelisk project now. It will look pretty basic without modifications to the layout
(explained below), and some content.
$ mix obelisk build
## Structure
Now that we've got our project, you will notice that an obelisk project is set
out with the following structure
At the moment, the supported directories are the `assets` directory, the `layout` directory, and the `posts` directory.
## Creating a new post
Obelisk expects blog post content to be located in the `/posts` directory, with filenames using the format `YYYY-mm-dd-post-title.markdown`. Any file matching this pattern will be processed and built into the `/build` directory.
You can use the `post` command to quickly create a new post with todays date, although creating the file manually will also work.
$ mix obelisk post "New obelisk feature"
## Creating a draft
Just like the post above us, we can create a draft. Drafts are intended to hold works in progress, and won't be compiled into the `/build` directory when running the build command.
Again, the `draft` command can be used to quickly create a new draft, although creating the file manually will also work.
$ mix obelisk draft "Still working on this"
## Front matter
Like other static site generators, posts should include front matter at the top of each file.
title: My brand new blog post
img: relative/path/to/bobby.png
author: Bobby Tables
twitter: littlebobbytables
Post content goes here
Now within the `post.eex` template, which we'll talk about a bit further down, we can access these value like this:
<div class="author">
<a href="http://twitter.com/#{@frontmatter.twitter}">
<img src="#{@frontmatter.img}" />
<%= @frontmatter.author %>
## The asset "pipeline"
The asset "pipeline" is extremely simple at this stage. Anything under your `/assets` directory is copied to `/build/assets` when the `mix obelisk build` task is run.
## Layouts
Everything under the `/layout` directory is used to build up your site, and the Elixir template languate Eex is used.
`post.eex` is the template which wraps blog post content. The `@content` variable is used within this template to specify the location that the converted markdown content is injected.
`index.eex` is the template which wraps your index page, which for now is intented to hold the list of blog posts. This template provides 3 variables. Similar to the post template, the index template provides `@content`, which is the list of blog posts (at this stage as html links). The other two variables, `@next` and `@prev` provide links to move between index pages. Each index page contains 10 blog posts, ordered from newest to oldest. The pages are created with the following pattern:
`layout.eex` is the template which wraps every page. This is the template that should include your `<html>`, `<head>` and `<body>` tags. This template provides 3 variables also. Again, the `@content` variable is provided, which specifies where to inject the content from whichever page is being built. Additionally, the `@css` and `@js` variables are provided, which include the html markdown for all of the files (not folders) directly under `/build/assets/css` and `/build/assets/js` respectively. These files are written to the page in alphabetical order, so if a particual order is required (i.e reset.css first), then the current solution is to rename the files to match the order in which they should be imported: