# observer_cli
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Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line base on [recon](
[Document in detail](

## Goal
- Provide a high-performance tool usable both in development and production settings.
- Focus on important and detailed information about real-time running system.  
- Keep minimal consumption.

### Installation

%% rebar.config
{deps, [observer_cli]}
dep_observer_cli = hex 1.4.4
# mix.exs                                                                                                   
   def deps do                                                          
     [{:observer_cli, "~> 1.4"}]
### How-To
#### Try in local shell.

%% rebar3 project
rebar3 shell
1> observer_cli:start().
%% mix project
iex -S mix
iex(1)> :observer_cli.start
####  Monitor remote node
%% rebar3 project
rebar3 shell --name 'observer_cli@'
1> observer_cli:start('target@host', 'magic_cookie').
%% mix project
iex --name "observer_cli@" -S mix
iex(1)> :observer_cli.start(:'target@host', :'magic_cookie')
:exclamation: **ensure observer_cli application been loaded on target node.**

#### Escriptize
1. cd path/to/observer_cli/
2. `rebar3 escriptize` to generate an escript executable containing the project's and its dependencies' BEAM files.
    Place script(`_build/default/bin/observer_cli`) anywhere in your path and use `observer_cli` command.
3. `observer_cli TARGETNODE [TARGETCOOKIE REFRESHMS]` to monitor remote node.

### DEMO
<img src="" width="100%" alt="Home"> </img>
<img src="" width="100%" alt="Network"></img>
<img src="" width="100%" alt="System"></img>
<img src="" width="100%" alt="Ets"></img>
<img src="" width="100%" alt="Mnesia"></img>
<img src="" width="100%" alt="Application"></img>
<img src="" width="100%" alt="Document"></img>
<img src="" width="100%" alt="Process"></img>
<img src="" width="100%" alt="Port"></img>

### How to write your own plugin?
If you need to customize some of your internal metrics and integrate it into observer_ci,
you only need to write a `observer_cli_plugin` behaviour in a few simple steps to get a nice presentation.
1. Configure observer_cli,tell observer_cli how to find your plugin.
%% module       - Specific module implements plugin behavior. It's mandatory.
%% title        - Menu title. It's mandatory.
%% shortcut     - Switch plugin by shortcut. It's mandatory.
%% interval     - Refresh interval ms. It's optional. default is 1500ms.
%% sort_column  - Sort the sheet by this index. It's optional default is 2.

    #{module => observer_cli_plug_behaviour1, title => "XPlug",
      interval => 1500, shortcut => "X", sort_column => 3},
    #{module => observer_cli_plug_behaviour2, title => "YPlug",
      interval => 1600, shortcut => "Y", sort_column => 3}

<img src="" width="90%"></img>

2. Write observer_cli_plugin behaviour.
observer_cli_plugin has 3 callbacks.

2.1 attributes.
-callback atributes(PrevState) -> {[Rows], NewState} when
    Rows :: #{content => string()|integer()|{byte, pos_integer()},
              width => pos_integer(), color => binary()}.
for example:
attributes(PrevState) ->
    Attrs =
            #{content => "XXX Ets Size", width => 20},
            #{content => ets:info(xxx,size), width => 10},
            #{content => "Pool1 Size", width => 15},
            #{content => application:get_env(app,pool1_size), width => 30},
            #{content => "XYZ1 Process Mem", width => 18,
            #{content => {byte, element(2, erlang:process_info(xyz1, memory))}, width => 16}
            #{content => "YYY Ets Size", width =>20},
            #{content => ets:info(yyy,size), width => 10},
            #{content => "Pool2 Size", width =>15},
            #{content => application:get_env(app,pool2_size), width => 30},
            #{content =>"XYZ2 Process Mem", width =>18},
            #{content => {byte, element(2, erlang:process_info(xyz2, memory))}, width => 16}
            #{content => "ZZZ Ets Size", width =>20},
            #{content => ets:info(zzz,size), width => 10},
            #{content => "Pool3 Size", width =>15},
            #{content => application:get_env(app,pool3_size), width => 30},
            #{content => "XYZ3 Process Mem", width =>18},
            #{content => {byte, element(2, erlang:process_info(xyz3, memory))}, width => 16}
    NewState = PrevState,
    {Attrs, NewState}.
<img src="" width="90%"></img>

-callback sheet_header() -> [SheetHeader] when
    SheetHeader :: #{title => string(), width => pos_integer(), shortcut => string()}.
for example:
sheet_header() ->
        #{title => "Pid", width => 25},
        #{title => "Status", width => 25},
        #{title => "Memory", width => 24, shortcut => "S"},
        #{title => "Reductions", width => 24, shortcut => "R"},
        #{title => "Message Queue Len", width => 25, shortcut => "Q"}

-callback sheet_body(PrevState) -> {[SheetBody], NewState} when
    PrevState :: any(),
    SheetBody :: list(),
    NewState :: any().


for example:

sheet_body(PrevState) ->
    Body =
             element(2, erlang:process_info(Pid, status)),
             element(2, erlang:process_info(Pid, memory)),
             element(2, erlang:process_info(Pid, reductions)),
             element(2, erlang:process_info(Pid, message_queue_len))
     end||Pid <- erlang:processes()
    NewState = PrevState,
    {Body, NewState}.

Support F/B to page up/down.

<img src="" width="90%"></img>

<img src="" width="90%"></img>

[A more specific plugin]( can collect linux system information such as kernel vsn, loadavg, disk, memory usage, cpu utilization, IO statistics.

### Changelog
- 1.4.4
  - Make sure connection errors can be handled
- 1.4.3
  - Bump Recon to 2.4.0
- 1.4.2
  - Hidden schedule process bar when core > 100.
  - Allow to compile escript w/ inet6 based distribution.
  - Rewrite plugin callback, rename kv_label/0 to attributes/1.
- 1.4.1
  - Fixed ets view memory usage wrong.
  - mnesia view memory usage According to bytes.
- 1.4.0
  - Support write your own plugin.
- 1.3.4
  - View(ets mnesia) support page down/up; support sort by memory or size.
  - Fixed pause crash.
  - Make refresh interval configurable.
- 1.3.3
  - fixed io:format(Format,Args) Format not support iolist OTP R21
- 1.3.2
  - Make sure all observer_cli process exit when quit.    
  - Upgrade recon to 2.3.6
- 1.3.1
  - Add atom limit/count in home.
  - Escript support short name and long name.
  - Fixed store process not exit.
  - [Upgrade recon to 2.3.5](
- 1.3.0
  - Rewrite Network/Process view.
  - Support PageDown/PageUp for top n list.
  - Escript auto load observer_cli when it's not load on target node.
- 1.2.2
  - fix schedule number >= 32 display wrong.
  - improve memory(byte/kilobyte/megabyte/gigabyte) unit.
- 1.2.1
  - fixed autosize not work.
  - try best to make color adjust all platform.
- 1.2.0
  - add application GUI.
  - Rearrange GUI and optimize render. 
  - Always automatically adapt to the window size.
- 1.1.0
  - Support escript, `observer_cli <TARGETNODE> <COOKIE>`

- 1.0.9
  - Upgrade rebar3 to 3.3.3 for publish hex repo.

### Contributors
| [<img src="" width="50px;"/><br /><sub>zhongwencool</sub>](<br />[💻]( | [<img src="" width="50px;"/><br /><sub>Dimitrios Zorbas</sub>](<br />[💻]( | [<img src="" width="50px;"/><br /><sub>taotao</sub>](<br />[💻]( | [<img src="" width="50px;"/><br /><sub>Trevor Brown</sub>](<br />[💻]( | [<img src="" width="50px;"/><br /><sub>Zaiming Shi</sub>](<br />[💻]( |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |

### License
See the [LICENSE]( file for license rights and limitations (MIT).