# Observer Web
Observer Web is an easy-to-use tool that integrates into your application, providing
enhanced observability. Leveraging OTP distribution, it offers tracing through the
[Erlang debugger][edb], along with detailed insights into process/port statuses
and Beam VM statistics.
Powered by [Phoenix LiveView][liv], it is distributed, lightweight, and fully real-time. This
library is part of the [DeployEx][dye] project.
A preview of the Dashboard (Click to see the video):
## Installation in your App
See the [installation guide](https://hexdocs.pm/observer_web/installation.html) for details on installing and Configuring.
## Running Observer Web as standalone (for testing and development)
### Download dependencies
mix deps.get
### Fetch and Compile assets
mkdir -p priv/static && touch priv/static/app.css && touch priv/static/app.js
cd assets/
npm install
cd ..
mix assets.build
### Run the application for development
Since Observer Web uses the OTP distribution, it is required to have a name when running.
elixir --sname observer -S mix run --no-halt dev.exs
Now you can visit [`localhost:4000/observer`](http://localhost:4000/observer) from your browser.
### Run multiple nodes with Metric Hub configuration
1. Start the nodes
Open a new terminal (Terminal 1) and run the application in `observer` mode:
export PORT=4000
elixir --sname observer --cookie cookie -S mix run --no-halt dev.exs
Open a new terminal (Terminal 2) and run the application in `broadcast` mode:
export PORT=4001
elixir --sname broadcast --cookie cookie -S mix run --no-halt dev.exs
2. Connect the nodes
Open a new terminal (Terminal 3) and run:
iex --sname hub --cookie cookie -S mix phx.server
After the Phoenix server starts, you'll see the Elixir interactive shell prompt. Connect
the nodes by executing these commands:
# Connect to the observer node
{:ok, hostname} = :inet.gethostname()
# Should return: true
# Connect to the broadcast node
{:ok, hostname} = :inet.gethostname()
# Should return: true
you can close the Terminal 3 if you want, this terminal is only for supporting the node connection.
To verify everything is working properly:
* Visit [`localhost:4000/observer/metrics`](http://localhost:4000/observer/metrics) in your browser to confirm
the application is running in `observer` mode.
* Visit [`localhost:4001/observer/metrics`](http://localhost:4001/observer/metrics) to confirm the application
is running in `broadcast` mode.
You can now explore the `observer` mode, checking that the data is persisted even if the other app in
broadcast mode restarts.
[dye]: https://github.com/thiagoesteves/deployex
[edb]: https://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/runtime_tools/dbg.html
[liv]: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view