# OEmbed Providers Elixir

Compare URLs to a list of providers and get the OEmbed URL.
This allows you to avoid unnecessary HTTP requests and prevent being throttled by services such as YouTube.

iex(1)> OEmbedProviders.oembed_url("")
iex(2)> OEmbedProviders.oembed_url("")              
{:error, :no_provider}

OEmbed Providers is not a full client library on its own, but rather one piece of a complete OEmbed implementation.
It does not make HTTP requests or parse responses.
It ONLY constructs OEmbed URLs for known providers.

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `oembed_providers` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:oembed_providers, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Providers

Provider data is sourced from [`providers.json`]( and bundled with the library.

You can use a custom providers file in your application:

import Config

config :oembed_providers,
  providers_file: "/absolute/path/to/file.json"

Be sure your JSON is valid and follows the same format as the original `providers.json`.

Note that the providers file is read **at compile time** and cannot be configured dynamically.

## License

OEmbed Providers Elixir is licensed under the MIT license.
See `` for a full copy of the license.