# Ok Jose

A tiny library for piping function return
values on a given pattern like the erlang
idiom `{:ok, _}` and `{:error, _}` tuples.

You can also define your own pattern-matched
pipes besides `ok` and `error`.

## Motivation

A lot of erlang libraries follow the
convention of returning `{:ok, _}` and
`{:error, _}` tuples to denote success or failure.

This library is my try at having a beautiful syntax for a *happy pipe*, that is, a pipe that expects `{:ok, _}` tuples to be returned by each piped function.
If any piped function returns a non matched value, the remaining functions expecting an `{:ok, _}` value wont get executed.

So, for example, the following code

|> case do
  {:ok, content} ->
    content |> Poison.Parser.parse()
  {:error, _} = error -> error

can be written as:

filename |> |> Poison.Parser.parse |> ok

## Usage

use OkJose

Provides you with the following macros:
`ok`, `ok!`, `error`, `error!`

use OkJose.Pipe

which provides you the `defpipe` macro.

#### `ok`

Pipes values into functions as long as they match `{:ok, _}`

{:ok, v} |> f |> g |> ok

#### `ok!`

Pipes values into functions but if at any point a value
does not match `{:ok, _}` raises a match error.

#### `defpipe`

Allows you to define custom pipe patterns, for example
the previous `ok`, `ok!` macros are defined like:

defpipe ok(value <- {:ok, value})
defpipe ok!(value <- {:ok, value})

## Example


def dup(x), do: {:ok, x * 2}
def nop(x), do: {:error, x}

12 |> dup |> dup |> ok # => {:ok, 48}
24 |> nop |> dup |> ok # => {:error, 24}

24 |> dup |> ok! # => 48
24 |> nop |> dup |> ok! # raises

## Installation

  1. Add ok to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:ok_jose, "~> 0.0.1"}]

## About ok

I wanted name this library `ok`, but the `hex`
package name was [already taken]( So I just wanted to make a
tribute to @josevalim.

Actually both projects are trying to solve the
same issue. But I think this one has an easier
syntax that consist of just piping to `ok`

## Is it any good?
