# Okta

This library provides an Elixir API for accessing the [Okta Developer APIs](


Currently implemented are:

- [Users API](
- [Groups API](
- [Apps API](
- [Trusted Origins API](
- [Identity Provider API](
- [Event Hook Handler](
- [Okta OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 API](

The API access uses the [Tesla]( library and
relies on the caller passing in an Okta base URL and an API Key to create a
client. The client is then passed into all API calls.

The API returns a 3 element tuple. If the API HTTP status code is less
the 300 (ie. suceeded) it returns `:ok`, the HTTP body as a map and the full
Tesla Env if you need to access more data about thre return. if the API HTTP
status code is greater than 300. it returns `:error`, the HTTP body and the
Telsa Env. If the API doesn't return at all it should return `:error`, a blank
map and the error from Tesla.

      client = Okta.client("", "thisismykeycreatedinokta")

      profile = %{
        firstName: "test",
        lastName: "user",

      case Okta.Users.create_user(client, profile) do
        {:ok, %{"id" => id, "status" => status}, _env} ->
          update_user(%{okta_id: id, okta_status: status})
        {:error, %{"errorSummary" => errorSummary}, _env} ->

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be
installed by adding `okta` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

      def deps do
          {:okta_api, "~> 0.1.14"},

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](