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OLED is a library to manage the monochrome OLED screen based (for now) on chip SSD1306 connected by SPI or I2C.

The idea is to support other similar chips also.

NOTE: On OLED v0.3.0 the Scenic driver has been moved to [scenic_driver_oled](


## Features

Graphic primitives
- [x] Points
- [x] Lines
- [x] Rects
- [x] Filled Rects
- [x] Circles
- [ ] Filled Circles
- [ ] Polygons
- [ ] Filled Polygons
- [ ] Text rendering (Try [Chisel](

<p align="center">
  <img src="images/scenic_preview.gif"><br>
  Using OLED and Scenic

## Basic Setup

*1. edit your mix.exs*

def deps do
    {:oled, "~> 0.3"}

*2. create a display module*

defmodule MyApp.MyDisplay do
  use OLED.Display, app: :my_app


*3. add the configuration*

config :my_app, MyApp.MyDisplay,
  device: "spidev0.0",
  driver: :ssd1306,
  type: :spi,
  width: 128,
  height: 64,
  rst_pin: 25,
  dc_pin: 24

*4. add your application's supervision tree*
defmodule MyApp.Application do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

    children = [
      # Add this line

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

*5. use it*

  # Draw something
  MyApp.MyDisplay.rect(0, 0, 127, 63)
  MyApp.MyDisplay.line(0, 0, 127, 63)
  MyApp.MyDisplay.line(0, 63, 127, 0)

  # Display it!

## Displays configuration

config :my_app, MyApp.MyDisplay,
  device: "spidev0.0",  # Device (i.e.: `spidev0.0`, `i2c-1`, ...)
  driver: :ssd1306,     # Driver. (Only SSD1306 for now)
  type: :spi,           # Connection type: `:spi` or `:i2c`
  width: 128,           # Display Width
  height: 64,           # Display Height
  rst_pin: 25,          # Reset GPIO pin (SPI only)
  dc_pin: 24            # DC GPIO pin (SPI only)
  address: 0x3C         # DC GPIO pin (I2C only)