# Omise Elixir Client
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**Omise for Elixir**
## Installation
1. Add omise to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:omise, "~> 0.4"}]
2. Ensure omise is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:omise]]
## Configuration
Set the following configuration variables in `config/config.exs` file:
config :omise,
public_key: "pkey_test_xxx",
secret_key: "skey_test_xxx"
Or manually configure at runtime:
Omise.configure(public_key: "pkey_test_xxx", secret_key: "skey_test_xxx")
To configure the HTTP options, you could optionally add `:http_options` key to the omise configuration. For a full list of the available options, please check [HTTPoison documentation](https://github.com/edgurgel/httpoison).
config :omise,
http_options: [timeout: 20_000, recv_timeout: 20_000]
## Example
response = Omise.Charge.create(
amount: 1000_00,
currency: "thb",
card: "tokn_51w6fvilnsxalda4cih"
case response do
{:ok, charge} ->
# handle success
{:error, error} ->
# handle failure
You can also set a per-request key and api version when making an API call:
Omise.Charge.list([], key: "skey_test_xxx", api_version: "2015-11-17")
Omise.Charge.retrieve("chrg_test_4yq7duw15p9hdrjp8oq", key: "skey_test_xxx")
amount: 1000_00,
currency: "thb",
customer: "cust_test_xxx"
], key: "skey_test_xxx")
## Development
- Install all dependencies with `mix deps.get`
- Run tests with `mix test`
## Documentation
* http://hexdocs.pm/omise/