# Onesky

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**TODO: Add description**

## Resources

- **Project Group**
    - ~~LIST all project groups~~
    - ~~SHOW project group details~~
    - ~~CREATE a new project group~~
    - ~~DELETE a project group~~
    - ~~list enabled LANGUAGES~~
- **Project**
    - ~~LIST projects of a project group~~
    - ~~SHOW project details~~
    - ~~CREATE a new project~~
    - ~~UPDATE a project~~
    - ~~DELETE a project~~
    - ~~list LANGUAGES of a project~~
- **Project Type**
    - ~~LIST all project types~~

- **File**
    - LIST uploaded files
    - UPLOAD a file
    - DELETE a file
- **Translation**
    - EXPORT translations in files
    - export translations in MULTILINGUAL files
    - export translations of APP STORE Description
    - GET translation status
- **Import Task**
    - LIST import tasks
    - SHOW import task
- **Screenshot**
    - UPLOAD screenshots

- **Quotation**
    - SHOW a quotation
- **Order**
    - ~~LIST all orders~~
    - ~~SHOW order details~~
    - CREATE an order

- **Locale**
    - ~~LIST all locales~~

## Installation

Add the following to your `mix.exs` file

def deps do
    {:onesky, "~> 0.8.0"}

And run `mix deps.get`

## Contribute

Please feel free to fork and send us a PR or open up an issue.