# OpenApiTypesense
Restful client for Typesense with adherence to Open API spec 3 (formerly Swagger)
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `open_api_typesense` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:open_api_typesense, "~> 0.6"}
# Or from GitHub repository, if you want the latest greatest from main branch
{:open_api_typesense, git: "https://github.com/jaeyson/open_api_typesense.git"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/open_api_typesense>.
## Getting started
### Adding credentials
Spin up local Typesense instance
docker compose up -d
# check if "peer refreshed" in logs
docker container logs --follow --tail 50 typesense
# e.g. config/runtime.exs
if config_env() == :prod do # if you'll use this in prod environment
config :open_api_typesense,
api_key: "xyz",
host: "localhost",
port: 8108,
scheme: "http"
> #### `options` key {: .tip}
> The `options` key can be used to pass additional configuration
> options such as custom Finch instance or receive timeout
> settings. You can add any options supported by Req here. For
> more details check [Req documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.Steps.html#run_finch/1-request-options).
config :open_api_typesense,
api_key: "credential", # Admin API key
host: "111222333aaabbbcc-9.x9.typesense.net", # Nodes
port: 443,
scheme: "https"
options: [finch: MyApp.CustomFinch] # <- add options
> #### during tests {: .tip}
> If you have a different config for your app, consider
> adding it in `config/test.exs`.
For Cloud hosted, you can generate and obtain the credentials from cluster instance admin interface:
config :open_api_typesense,
api_key: "credential", # Admin API key
host: "111222333aaabbbcc-9.x9.typesense.net", # Nodes
port: 443,
scheme: "https"
## Using a another HTTP client
In order to use another HTTP client, OpenApiTypesense has a
callback function ([Behaviours](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/typespecs.html#behaviours))
called `request` that contains 2 args:
1. `conn`: your connection map
2. `params`: payload, header, and client-related stuffs.
> #### `conn` and `params` {: .info}
> you can change the name `conn` and/or `params` however you want,
> since it's just a variable.
Here's a custom client example ([`HTTPoison`](https://hexdocs.pm/httpoison/readme.html))
in order to match the usage:
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### Client module
defmodule MyApp.CustomClient do
@behaviour OpenApiTypesense.Client
@impl OpenApiTypesense.Client
def request(conn, params) do
url = %URI{
scheme: conn.scheme,
host: conn.host,
port: conn.port,
path: params.url,
query: URI.encode_query(params[:query] || %{})
|> URI.to_string()
request = %HTTPoison.Request{method: params.method, url: url}
request =
if params[:request] do
[{content_type, _schema}] = params.request
headers = [
{"X-TYPESENSE-API-KEY", conn.api_key}
{"Content-Type", content_type}
%{request | headers: headers}
request =
if params[:body] do
%{request | body: Jason.encode!(params.body)}
### Client config
config :open_api_typesense,
api_key: "xyz", # Admin API key
host: "localhost", # Nodes
port: 8108,
scheme: "http",
client: MyApp.CustomClient # <- add this
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Check [the examples](./guides/custom_http_client.md) on some HTTP client implementations.
## Adding [cache, retry, compress_body](https://hexdocs.pm/req/Req.html#new/1) in the built in client
E.g. when a user wants to change `retry` and `cache` options
ExTypesense.get_collection("companies", req: [retry: false, cache: true])
See implementation [OpenApiTypesense.Client](`OpenApiTypesense.Client`) https://github.com/jaeyson/open_api_typesense/blob/main/lib/open_api_typesense/client.ex