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<h2 align="center">OpenFeature Elixir SDK</h2>

## 👋 Hey there! Thanks for checking out the OpenFeature Elixir SDK

### What is OpenFeature?

[OpenFeature][openfeature-website] is an open standard that provides a vendor-agnostic, community-driven API for feature flagging that works with your favorite feature flag management tool.

### Why standardize feature flags?

Standardizing feature flags unifies tools and vendors behind a common interface which avoids vendor lock-in at the code level. Additionally, it offers a framework for building extensions and integrations and allows providers to focus on their unique value proposition.

## 🔧 Components

This repository contains the Elixir SDK.
For details, including API documentation, see the respective [Hex docs](

## 💻 Instalation

The package can be installed by adding `open_feature` to your list of dependencies
in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:open_feature, "~> 0.1"}]

## 📓 Usage

provider = %OpenFeature.Provider.InMemory{
  flags: %{
    "flag_key" => %{
      disabled: false,
      default_variant: "default",
      variants: %{
        "default" => "default_value"
OpenFeature.set_provider("domain", provider)
client = OpenFeature.get_client("domain")
OpenFeature.Client.get_string_value(client, "flag_key", "default")

## ⭐️ Support the project

- Give this repo a ⭐️!
- Contribute to this repo
- Follow us social media:
  - Twitter: [@openfeature](
  - LinkedIn: [OpenFeature](
- Join us on [Slack](
- For more check out our [community page](

## 📜 License

[Apache License 2.0](LICENSE)
