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<h2 align="center">OpenFeature Elixir SDK</h2>

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[OpenFeature]( is an open specification that provides a vendor-agnostic, community-driven API for feature flagging that works with your favorite feature flag management tool or in-house solution.

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## 🚀 Quick start

### Requirements

It requires Elixir 1.14 or greater to run.

### Install

The package can be installed by adding `open_feature` to your list of dependencies
in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:open_feature, "~> 0.1"}]

### Usage

provider = %OpenFeature.Provider.InMemory{
  flags: %{
    "v2_enabled" => %{
      disabled: false,
      default_variant: "on",
      variants: %{
        "on" => true,
        "off" => false,
{:ok, provider} = OpenFeature.set_provider(provider)
client = OpenFeature.get_client()
v2_enabled = OpenFeature.Client.get_boolean_value(client, "v2_enabled", false)

### API Reference

For details, including API documentation, see the respective [Hex docs](

## 🌟 Features

| Status | Features                                                            | Description                                                                                                                                                  |
| ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| ⚠️      | [Providers](#providers)                                             | Integrate with a commercial, open source, or in-house feature management tool.                                                                               |
| ✅      | [Targeting](#targeting)                                             | Contextually-aware flag evaluation using [evaluation context](                           |
| ✅      | [Hooks](#hooks)                                                     | Add functionality to various stages of the flag evaluation life-cycle.                                                                                       |
| ✅      | [Logging](#logging)                                                 | Integrate with popular logging packages.                                                                                                                     |
| ✅      | [Domains](#domains)                                                 | Logically bind clients with providers.                                                                                                                       |
| ✅      | [Eventing](#eventing)                                               | React to state changes in the provider or flag management system.                                                                                            |
| ✅      | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                                               | Gracefully clean up a provider during application shutdown.                                                                                                  |
| ✅      | [Extending](#extending)                                             | Extend OpenFeature with custom providers.                                                                                                          |

<sub>Implemented: ✅ | In-progress: ⚠️ | Not implemented yet: ❌</sub>

### Providers

[Providers]( are an abstraction between a flag management system and the OpenFeature SDK.
Look [here]( for a complete list of available providers.
If the provider you're looking for hasn't been created yet, see the [develop a provider](#develop-a-provider) section to learn how to build it yourself.

Once you've added a provider as a dependency, it can be registered with OpenFeature like this:

provider = %OpenFeature.Provider.InMemory{
  flags: %{
    "v2_enabled" => %{
      disabled: false,
      default_variant: "one",
      variants: %{
        "on" => true,
        "off" => false
{:ok, provider} = OpenFeature.set_provider(provider)

In some situations, it may be beneficial to register multiple providers in the same application.
This is possible using [domains](#domain), which is covered in more detail below.

### Targeting

Sometimes, the value of a flag must consider some dynamic criteria about the application or user, such as the user's location, IP, email address, or the server's location.
In OpenFeature, we refer to this as [targeting](
If the flag management system you're using supports targeting, you can provide the input data using the [evaluation context](

# set a value to the global context
OpenFeature.set_global_context(%{region: "us-east-1"})

# set a value to the client context
client = OpenFeature.get_client() |> OpenFeature.Client.set_context(%{region: "us-east-1"})

# set a value to the invocation context
flag_value = OpenFeature.Client.get_boolean_value(client, "some-flag", flag, %{region: "us-east-1"})

### Hooks

[Hooks]( allow for custom logic to be added at well-defined points of the flag evaluation life-cycle.
Look [here]( for a complete list of available hooks.

Once you've added a hook as a dependency, it can be registered at the client or flag invocation level.

## add a hook on this client, to run on all evaluations made by this client
client = OpenFeature.Client.add_hooks(client, [%OpenFeature.Hook{}])

## add a hook for this evaluation only
flag_value = OpenFeature.Client.get_boolean_value(client, flag_key, false, hooks: [%OpenFeature.Hook{}]);

### Logging

The Elixir SDK uses the default Elixir Logger.

### Domains

Clients can be assigned to a domain. A domain is a logical identifier which can be used to associate clients with a particular provider.
If a domain has no associated provider, the default provider is used.

provider = %OpenFeature.Provider.InMemory{
  flags: %{
    "v2_enabled" => %{
      disabled: false,
      default_variant: "default",
      variants: %{
        "default" => true

# registering the default provider
{:ok, _provider} = OpenFeature.set_provider(provider)
# registering a provider to a domain
{:ok, _provider} = OpenFeature.set_provider("my-domain", provider)

# A client bound to the default provider
default_client = OpenFeature.get_client()
# A client bound to the CachedProvider provider
domain_client = OpenFeature.get_client("my-domain")

### Eventing

Events allow you to react to state changes in the provider or underlying flag management system, such as flag definition changes, provider readiness, or error conditions.
Initialization events (`PROVIDER_READY` on success, `PROVIDER_ERROR` on failure) are dispatched for every provider.
Some providers support additional events, such as `PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED`.

Please refer to the documentation of the provider you're using to see what events are supported.

# add an event handler to a client
OpenFeature.Client.add_event_handler(client, :provider_configuration_changed, fn event_details ->
  # do something when the provider's flag settings change

### Shutdown

The OpenFeature API provides a close function to perform a cleanup of all registered providers.
This should only be called when your application is in the process of shutting down.


## Extending

### Develop a provider

To develop a provider, you need to create a new project and include the OpenFeature SDK as a dependency.
This can be a new repository or included in [the existing contrib repository]( available under the OpenFeature organization.
You’ll then need to write the provider by implementing the `OpenFeature.Provider` behaviour exported by the OpenFeature SDK.

defmodule OpenFeature.Provider.NoOp do
  alias OpenFeature.ResolutionDetails

  @behaviour OpenFeature.Provider

  defstruct name: "NoOp", domain: nil, state: :not_ready, hooks: []

  def initialize(provider, domain, _evaluation_context), do: {:ok, %{provider | state: :ready, domain: domain}}
  def shutdown(_provider), do: :ok

  def resolve_boolean_value(_provider, _key, default, _context), do: {:ok, %ResolutionDetails{value: default}}
  def resolve_string_value(_provider, _key, default, _context), do: {:ok, %ResolutionDetails{value: default}}
  def resolve_number_value(_provider, _key, default, _context), do: {:ok, %ResolutionDetails{value: default}}
  def resolve_map_value(_provider, _key, default, _context), do: {:ok, %ResolutionDetails{value: default}}


> Built a new provider? [Let us know]( so we can add it to the docs!

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## ⭐️ Support the project

- Give this repo a ⭐️!
- Follow us on social media:
  - Twitter: [@openfeature](
  - LinkedIn: [OpenFeature](
- Join us on [Slack](
- For more, check out our [community page](

## 🤝 Contributing

Interested in contributing? Great, we'd love your help! To get started, take a look at the [CONTRIBUTING]( guide.

### Thanks to everyone who has already contributed

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