
defmodule OpenRtbEcto.V3.BidRequest do
  @moduledoc """
  ### Bid Request Payload
  The request object contains minimal high level attributes (e.g., its ID, test mode, auction type, maximum auction time, buyer restrictions, etc.) and subordinate objects that cover the source of the request and the actual offer of sale. The latter includes the item(s) being offered and any applicable deals.

  There are two points in this model that interface to Layer-4 domain objects: the `Request` object and the `Item` object. Domain objects included under `Request` would include those that provide context for the overall offer. These would include objects that describe the site or app, the device, the user, and others. Domain objects included in an `Item` object would specify details about the item being offered (e.g., the impression opportunity) and specifications and restrictions on the media that can be associated with acceptable bids.

      <td>Unique ID of the bid request; provided by the exchange.</td>
      <td>Indicator of test mode in which auctions are not billable, where 0 = live mode, 1 = test mode.</td>
      <td>Maximum time in milliseconds the exchange allows for bids to be received including Internet latency to avoid timeout. This value supersedes any <em>a priori</em> guidance from the exchange.  If an exchange acts as an intermediary, it should decrease the outbound <code>tmax</code> value from what it received to account for its latency and the additional internet hop.</td>
      <td>Auction type, where 1 = First Price, 2 = Second Price Plus.  Values greater than 500 can be used for exchange-specific auction types.</td>
      <td>Array of accepted currencies for bids on this bid request using ISO-4217 alpha codes. Recommended if the exchange accepts multiple currencies. If omitted, the single currency of “USD” is assumed.</td>
      <td>Restriction list of buyer seats for bidding on this item.  Knowledge of buyer’s customers and their seat IDs must be coordinated between parties <em>a priori</em>. Omission implies no restrictions.</td>
      <td>Flag that determines the restriction interpretation of the <code>seat</code> array, where 0 = block list, 1 = whitelist.</td>
      <td>Allows bidder to retrieve data set on its behalf in the exchange’s cookie (refer to <code>cdata</code> in <a href="#object_response">Object: Response</a>) if supported by the exchange. The string must be in base85 cookie-safe characters.</td>
      <td>A <code>Source</code> object that provides data about the inventory source and which entity makes the final decision. Refer to <a href="#object_source">Object: Source</a>.</td>
      <td>object&nbsp;array; required</td>
      <td>Array of <code>Item</code> objects (at least one) that constitute the set of goods being offered for sale. Refer to <a href="#object_item">Object: Item</a>.</td>
      <td>Flag to indicate if the Exchange can verify that the items offered represent all of the items available in context (e.g., all impressions on a web page, all video spots such as pre/mid/post roll) to support road-blocking, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.</td>
      <td>object; recommended</td>
      <td>Layer-4 domain object structure that provides context for the items being offered conforming to the specification and version referenced in <code>openrtb.domainspec</code> and <code>openrtb.domainver</code>. <br />
    For AdCOM v1.x, the objects allowed here all of which are optional are one of the <code>DistributionChannel</code> subtypes (i.e., <code>Site</code>, <code>App</code>, or <code>Dooh</code>), <code>User</code>, <code>Device</code>, <code>Regs</code>, <code>Restrictions</code>, and any objects subordinate to these as specified by AdCOM.</td>
      <td>Optional exchange-specific extensions.</td>