# OpenTelemetryDecorator
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A function decorator for OpenTelemetry traces.
## Installation
Add `open_telemetry_decorator` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`. We include the `opentelemetry_api` package, but you'll need to add `opentelemetry` yourself in order to report spans and traces.
def deps do
{:opentelemetry, "~> 1.5"},
{:opentelemetry_exporter, "~> 1.8"},
{:open_telemetry_decorator, "~> 1.5"}
Then follow the directions for the exporter of your choice to send traces to zipkin, honeycomb, etc.
### Honeycomb Example
api_key = System.fetch_env!("HONEYCOMB_KEY")
config :opentelemetry_exporter,
otlp_endpoint: "https://api.honeycomb.io:443",
otlp_headers: [{"x-honeycomb-team", api_key}]
## Usage
Add `use OpenTelemetryDecorator` to the module, and decorate any methods you want to trace with `@decorate with_span("span name")`.
The `with_span` decorator will automatically wrap the decorated function in an opentelemetry span with the provided name.
defmodule MyApp.Worker do
use OpenTelemetryDecorator
@decorate with_span("worker.do_work")
def do_work(arg1, arg2) do
...doing work
### Span Attributes
The `with_span` decorator allows you to specify an `include` option which gives you more flexibility with what you can include in the span attributes. Omitting the `include` option with `with_span` means no attributes will be added to the span by the decorator.
defmodule MyApp.Worker do
use OpenTelemetryDecorator
@decorate with_span("worker.do_work", include: [:arg1, :arg2])
def do_work(arg1, arg2) do
# ...doing work
The O11y module includes a helper for setting additional attributes outside of the `include` option. Attributes added in either a `set` call or in the `include` that are not [primitive OTLP values](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-erlang/blob/main/apps/opentelemetry_api/src/opentelemetry.erl#L111) will be converted to strings with `Kernel.inspect/1`.
defmodule MyApp.Worker do
use OpenTelemetryDecorator
@decorate with_span("worker.do_work")
def do_work(arg1, arg2) do
O11y.set_attributes(arg1: arg1, arg2: arg2)
# ...doing work
O11y.set_attribute(:output, "something")
The decorator uses a macro to insert code into your function at compile time to wrap the body in a new span and link it to the currently active span. In the example above, the `do_work` method would become something like this:
defmodule MyApp.Worker do
require OpenTelemetry.Tracer, as: Tracer
def do_work(arg1, arg2) do
Tracer.with_span "my_app.worker.do_work" do
# ...doing work
Tracer.set_attributes(arg1: arg1, arg2: arg2)
## Configuration
### Prefixing Span Attributes
Honeycomb suggests that you [namespace custom fields](https://docs.honeycomb.io/getting-data-in/data-best-practices/#namespace-custom-fields), specifically prefixing manual instrumentation with `app`
✳️ You can now set this in the underlying `o11y` library with the `attribute_namespace` option ✳️
config :o11y, :attribute_namespace, "app"
⚠️ You can still configure it with the `attr_prefix` option in `config/config.exs`, but that will be deprecated in a future release. ⚠️
config :open_telemetry_decorator, attr_prefix: "app."
### Changing the join character for nested attributes
⚠️ This configuration option is no longer available ⚠️
## Additional Examples
You can provide span attributes by specifying a list of variable names as atoms.
This list can include...
Any variables (in the top level closure) available when the function exits.
Note that variables declared as part of an `if`, `case`, `cond`, or `with` block are in a separate scope so NOT available for `include` attributes.
defmodule MyApp.Math do
use OpenTelemetryDecorator
@decorate with_span("my_app.math.add", include: [:a, :b, :sum])
def add(a, b) do
sum = a + b
{:ok, sum}
The result of the function by including the atom `:result`:
defmodule MyApp.Math do
use OpenTelemetryDecorator
@decorate with_span("my_app.math.add", include: [:result])
def add(a, b) do
{:ok, a + b}
Structs will be converted to maps and included in the span attributes. You can specify which fields to include with the `@derive` attribute provided by `O11y`.
defmodule User do
use OpenTelemetryDecorator
@derive {O11y.SpanAttributes, only: [:id, :name]}
defstruct [:id, :name, :email, :password]
@decorate with_span("user.create", include: [:user])
def create(user) do
{:ok, user}
## Development
`make check` before you commit! If you'd prefer to do it manually:
* `mix do deps.get, deps.unlock --unused, deps.clean --unused` if you change dependencies
* `mix compile --warnings-as-errors` for a stricter compile
* `mix coveralls.html` to check for test coverage
* `mix credo` to suggest more idiomatic style for your code
* `mix dialyzer` to find problems typing might reveal… albeit *slowly*
* `mix docs` to generate documentation
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